Chapter 51: Memory Loss

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A lot could have gone wrong with this. And I could have thought it through a little more.

As Mabill pulled the trigger, I pulled Bipper in front of me, hoping it wouldn't erase Dipper's memories. The blast hit him right in the head and he cried out in pain, clutching his head, pulling me down with him.

Mabill shot at me again, but I dodged it. "Hold still!" Mabill complained. Her hand caught on fire and she threw it at me. It missed me mostly, but it singed my shoulder slightly.

Mabill started to walk over to me and I tried to get away, but, if you've never been handcuffed to a boy about the same size as you that's kinda loopy from a mind erasing machine, you'd know that it's pretty difficult. She caught up to me and grabbed the back of my shirt. Then she kicked my legs out from under me and I fell hard to the ground. I was still trying to catch my breath when she started to pull me back by my legs.

I grasped out for anything solid. The only thing available at the moment was the chair. I grabbed onto it with both hands and held on tight. Dipper was still kinda woozy and being dragged along with all this.

Mabill gave one more tug and I lost my grip on the chair. Dipper's head made contact with the chair at full force and his eyes rolled back in his head. Great. Once again I've been the cause of Dipper being knocked out.

Mabill pulled me and Dipper for a while as I tried to get free. Her nails where starting to bite into my skin. I finally was able to get onto my back and kick her legs out from under her. My left hand was still securely handcuffed, but the rest of my was free.

I pinned Mabill down for about three seconds, but the lack of an arm was my disadvantage. She pushed me off and got on top of me. I tried to use my legs to push her off, but her knees held me down. "Not going down without a fight, eh? I like it!"

Mabill grabbed onto my left wrist and summoned a fire ball. I let out a scream of pain, but it stopped shortly. I opened my eyes a crack. My wrist was bright red like I'd stuck it in a fire for a few seconds, but the handcuffs where melted off. I was finally free!

Well, I guess that wasn't compleat lay true. There was a psychopath onto of my who either wanted to turn me against the people I love or kill me. With both hands free, I pushed her off. She wasn't expecting me to react so quickly, so she wasn't ready for it.

I dashed for the mind eraser. As I grabbed it, something hit me in the back of the legs, knocking me down to the ground, again. The machine skidded out of my hands and hit the wall, but it didn't break.

Mabill was soon on top of me. I tried to squirm out of her grip, but it was useless. All I could do was keep her away from the mind eraser. I turned onto my back to try and kick her off, but her fist came flying and hit me in the face. I cried out in pain as my nose started to bleed heavily.

Mabill broke free and ran to get the mind eraser, but I grabbed her ankle and she fell flat on her face. While she was dazed, I scrammbled for the mind eraser. I could here her right behind me, but I took the chance and pulled the trigger.

The blast struck her in the face. Mabill screamed in pain and fell to the ground. I hit her in the head with the butt of the mind eraser and she went limp.

Breathing heavily, I leaned against the wall and lit the mind eraser slip out of my hands to the floor. I slid to the ground, dabbing my bloody nose. My face stung where her fist had landed. I was thirsty and tired. I couldn't leave Mabill and Bipper here by themselves. I had to just wait until Stan showed up with Soos and Wendy. Together, we could figure out how to get Bill's spirt out of the twins.

Suddenly, everything got cold. I couldn't move, at least, not conciously. "Nicely done, Short Stack," Bill said, but it came from my own mouth. Not again! "You put up a good fight. You'd be a great help to me."

Then my hand closed around the mind eraser. No! I thought desperatly. I couldn't move my hand out of the way as the dial moved. It typed in Loved Ones. Then it turned right at my forehead. Please! I silently begged. You can't do this?

"I already am," Bill said. Then he pulled the trigger just as the cold disappeared and it was replaced by darkness and sorrow and pain. Excruciating pain.

I know you all hate me
It'll work out somehow
This thing is going to have way more chapters then I was planning to write!
Well, I hope y'all keep reading after this
Once again

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