Chapter 24: Bipper Once Again

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There's nothing worse then sleeping on a hard floor. I roll a lot when I sleep, so I woke up on the wood floor of the library. What time is is? I though.

I sat up and rubbed my back. Mabel was still snoring on her beanbag chair. I let her be. I'd gotten more sleep then she did back at the Mystery Shack. I yawned and walked over to the computers. I couldn't find Dipper. I was about to call his name when I remembered we where in a library. Maybe he's just using the bathroom, I thought.

I sat down at the computer. The screen saver was up. I shook the mouse. Maybe Dipper had found something. Instead, I found one of those sticky note tabs up. I opened it. It said; You know, Short Stack, I like Dipper a lot better then you. He fights harder. Your too easy. I enjoy a challenge. This will be the last straw with your parents. Being the book or I'll use Dipper to do some, ah, messy things. See you in a bit, Bill.

I read the note about five times, not exactly processing it. Bill had Dipper again? This guy was harder to stop then I thought. And poor Dipper. Under his control again? And my parents...

It felt like the whole world had come crashing down on top of me. I put my head on the computer desk and the tears came involuntarily. I cried there for a while. No one saw me, thank goodness. I wouldn't know what to say if someone asked me.

I finally wiped my nose with my sleeve. Mabel and I had to go after Bill, again. But this time, we may had to lose the journal.

I shook Mabel awake. She grumbled something about kittens and fell back asleep. "Mabel!" I said shaking her a little harder. Her eyes opened. "W-what is it?"

"Dipper's gone again," I said. She sat up. "Bill?" She asked. I nodded. "He left us a note," I said, pointing to the computer. Mabel jumped up and ran over to it. Her eyes scanned over it so fast, I couldn't even tell she was reading it. "Ugh!" She said. "Why can't he just leave us alone?! It's just a stupid journal!"

"Maybe there's a secret in it," I said. "You know with the black light, Bill's hideout could be anywhere in there."

Mabel smacked her forehead. "Why didn't we think of that before?"

"Better late then never," I said. "But we really need to find Dipper, I mean Bill, er- you know what, never mind. Where do you think he'd be?"

"I-I don't know!" Mabel said. "The Mystery Shack, the Gravity Falls Museum, Laser Tag, maybe."

"Why would he be at laser tag?" I asked.

Mabel shrugged. "It's just a guess. I'm a little stressed!"

"I know how you feel," I said. "Anywhere else?"

Mabel shrugged. "I guess we can start just looking around."

"I guess so," I said.

We stood up and walked to the door. We stepped outside and the sun was slowly crawling down. "We've got a few hours to look," Mabel said. "How many do you think?"

"Three?" I guessed. "Four? I'm not sure. But we shouldn't leave them overnight."

Mabel nodded. "Okay, let's start at the Museum. It's the closest."

I nodded. "Good idea. Let's go."

Before we got very far, Pacifica stormed up to us. "Mable, is this some kind of joke?!"

Mabel blinked. "What do you mean."

"Your loser brother just tried to flirt with me!" Pacifica said, crossing her arms. "And it was in front of all my friends! I'd never been so insulted in my life!"

Mabel winced. "Um, sorry?"

Pacifica rolled her eyes at us. "You tell him that I say we will never, ever date! Understand?"

Mabel nodded. "Um, do you know which way he went?"

Pacifica pointed down the street. "He went that way. And you'd better give him a firm talking to, or I will!" Then she turned on her heel and walked away.

"You know," Mabel said. "This would be funny if it wasn't Bill controlling Dipper."

I nodded. "Come on," I said. We need to find Dipper. She said he was down... that way!" I pointed to the left. "We have to go or he may slip though our fingers!"

Mabel smiled. "Let's go get my brother back!"

A/N: Sorry for the late update. I'm having a really buzy week right now, and I'm just to exausted all the time, so I hope you'll forgive me. I also wanted to say WHAT!!!!! This story has over 1k views!? I'm really glad you guys like it! And be free to always comment if you didn't like something or you would like another character to come in or really anything else. I love feedback! And again, thank you. You people are the real miricle! ;)

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