Chapter 35: Nightmares

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A/N: I drew this pic ^ so please don't steal it! Thank you!

I slept of the recliner that night. I watched tv to get my mind off everything. I wrapped my blanket tightly around me. Dipper and Mabel where already alsleep, and Stan was... well, whatever he was doing.

I wasn't sure how long I'd cried for, but it was enough. Enough to make the Pine's feel sorry for me. I hated pity. I don't know. Its just, I don't really like attention, especially that in which I'm weak and vurnerable. A tear slowly slid down my cheek. I brushed it away, annoyed. Hormones are so annoying!

It took me a minute to relise I wasn't even watching the tv. I sighed and turned it off. The room went compleatly black. It took a moment for her eyes to adjust. When they did, I looked around the room. I kept imagining things. Noises from outside bringing my imagination to life. I mean, I've already met a werewolf, a demon and a all powerful book. It was naturaly for me to be paranoid.

I threw the blanket over myself, as if it could protect me from all the evil of this world. I buied my head in the pillow I had. Its just a little noise, I tried to reasure myself. Nothing's out to get you...

It was about then I drifted off to sleep.


My dreams, or should I say nightmares, where horrible! They where full of the awful things Bill could be doing to my parents or Dipper or Mabel. I tried to close my eyes, but they wouldn't close. I had to watch as every single most morbid thought I had played out in my head. I kept shaking my head and sobbing. Bill seemed to find this hillarius. He possesed the twins, burned the journal over and over again, brought certain doubts into my mind and it finally ended, right when Bill gave me a look and almost attacked.

I jolted away, hitting my head on something hard. There was a grunt from my victim. I rubbed my forehead and opened my eyes. Dipper was rubbing his nose. "Oh... s-sorry," I said. I felt sweaty.

"Its ok," Dipper said. He looked concered. "You okay?"

I shrugged. I was an awful liar. "Not really."

"Nightmare?" He asked.

"Yeah," I said. "How'd you know?"

"We all have our share.

"Wap!" Mabel said. She plopped a pig, Waddles, I think, on my lap. The pig started to lick my face. I smiled a little, pushing the pig away. Mabel grabbed him back and hugged him tight. "Come on, you two," she said. "Breakfast's ready!"

My blanket had fallen off in the middle of the night, so I didn't bother with it. I followed Mabel and Dipper into the kitchen and smelled pankakes. Yum!

I sat down at the table and Stan plopped a pancake on my plate. He did the same to the twins. Then I grabbed the syrup, and trying not to drown them, smothered it on. It was good that everything was, almost, back to normal.

"Hey, Dipper?" Mabel said. "Wanna have a syrup race?"

Dipper shrugged. "Sure."

They each grabbed a bottle of syrup and held it over there pancakes. The syrup slowly made its way to the opening of the bottle. Mabel's fell first. "Yes!" Mabel said. "I win!"

Dipper smiled and poured the syrup on his pancakes normally.

After breakfast, Stan had to go give some tours. I could tell he was a little hesitent to leave us on our own, but we assured him that we wouldn't get into any trouble.

As soon as Stan was gone, Wendy walked in. She stopped when she sae us and a smile spred across her face. "You're back!" She said. She ran over and embraced all three of us in a hug at the same time. I couldn't help but smile.

Wendy was followed by Soos, who joined in the group hug. "Are you dudes okay?"

"Were fine," Dipper said.

"What happened?" Wendy asked.

"Long story short," Mabel said. "Bill got a hold of us, but were okay now."

Wendy and Soos finally let go of us. They where both smiling widely. "I'm just glad your okay," Wendy said.


We helped around the shop a little that day. Restocking, cleaning, sometimes helping behind the register. Stan even tried to drag me into being one of his attractions, but Mabel and Dipper wouldn't let him.

"Why not?" Gruncle Stan complained.

"Because she's a person, not a wax figure or something," Mabel said, crossing her arms.

"But she'd bring in a ton of tourists!"


And that was the end of the discusion.

When all the tourist died down, Mabel and I dismissed ourselves and went upstairs. "Hey," Mabel said. "You wanna be on May-May and the hog?"

"What?" I asked.

"Oh, its where Waddles and I spend our free time. Here." She pulled out a recording studio thing with a keyboard on it. "So, we record here and save it. Its just a fun little thing that Waddles and I do together."

I smiled. "Sounds fun." I really needed something to get my mind off all the stuff that's been going on. How long had I been in Gravity Falls? Three or four days? Five? I don't even remember.

I sat down next to Mabel on her bed and she put Waddles between us. "Ready?" Mabel asked.

I gave her a thumbs up. "Ready."

Just a kinda calm chapter. Hopefully I'll get into more action soon. And a certain secret...
I don't know... *whispers* yes I do
Ahem, anyways...
Hopefully I'll update soon!
But probably not tomorrow
I'll be busy

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