Chapter 3: Hunting a Werewolf

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Dipper put the journal back in his vest. He looked back and forth at Mabel and me. "Anyone have any ideas?"

"We could ask it nicely," Mabel suggested.

"Mabel, I doubt it knows what manners are," Dipper said.

"We could lure it away," I suggested. "What does the book say he likes?"

Dipper took out the book. "Human fleash, pig-"

"Pig!" Mabel said. "Dipper, don't you even think about it!"

"Huh?" Dipper said. "Oh, you're talking about Waddles. No, no! I'd never sacrifice that pig."

There was an oink from somewhere, then a squeal. A little pink pig came running in and jumped into Mabel's arms. "Kayla," Mabel said. "Meet Waddles."

I smiled. "He's cute."

"Why thank you Kayla," Mabel said, pretending it was Waddles who was talking.

"Let's get back to buisness," Dipper said. He started clicking a pen and pacing. I leaned over to Mabel. "Does he normally do this?" I whispered.

Mabel shrugged. "I guess so." Then she turned to Dipper. "Hey, Dipper. Doesn't the book show more when you put it under a blacklight?"

Dipper looked up. "Yeah, but do you have one handy?"

"There's probably one around here somewhere," I said.

"We don't even know what's all in this place," Mabel said.

Dipper started to look everything over. I glanced out the window. The werewolf was starting to get restless. I winced and moved away from the window.

I was still thinking about that Bill guy. What kind of villan has the name Bill? He couldn't be that bad. Or could he? I hoped to never find out.

"Found one!" Mabel said. Dipper and I rushed over to her. She turned on the light and Dipper took out the journal. He flipped it to the werewolf page and read. "Werewolves will take a peace offering of cash, but only in gold and 10 or more peices." He glanced at Mabel and me. "Does anyone have some gold handy?"

We shook our heads. "What else does it say?" I asked.

"Nothing helpful. Just that they're impossible to outrun, they tollorate water, even though they don't like it, they linger in the shadows and, again, are terrified of Bill." Dipper sighed. "We have to summon Bill."

"Never," Mabel said. "He'll turn on us again! What if he takes over one of us?"

"He can't be trusted," Dipper said. "But we need to get this werewolf to leave us alone. What if he attacks Gravity Falls?"

Dipper sighed and put his journal away. "Let me think about it," he said. "But we need to learn more about that thing." He glanced at the door. "I'll go see why he's out there."

"Dipper, that's crazy!" I said. "He'll eat you alive!"

"Not if I run fast enough," he said. He glanced at his watch. "Okay, maybe two hours until the sun goes down. Then there may be nothing to stop that thing from attacking."

"Here," Mabel said, throwing him a flashlight. "Be careful."

Dipper nodded and slipped outside.

"You're going to let him do it?" I asked.

"When he sets his mind to something," Mabel said. "He does it." She sighed and looked out the window. "We only came for the summer, but now it's pretty much half over. I don't want to leave Gravity Falls."

"I'm only staying for the summer too," I said, joining her at the window. "Then it's back to the city to eighth grade."

"Wait," Mabel said. "Are you twelve too?"

"Um, actually I'm thirteen," I said. "I had my birthday in April."

Mabel nodded. "Ours is in October. (A/N I made this up! I have no idea when their birthday is!)

I smiled. "So we're practicly close enough in age."

Mabel nodded. "And we can still be friends. You see Wendy behind the counter? She's fifteen and we're friends."

"I guess so." I looked outside. "Oh, boy."

Dipper had gotten to the werewolf. I couldn't hear anything, but I saw Dipper jump. He dropped the flashlightand ran back to the Mystery Shack. I ran to the door and opened it. He ran in, panting. "Worst... idea... ever," he said between gulps of air.

"Close the door!" Mabel said. I slamed it shut. "Okay, he's gone now."

"What happened?" I asked Dipper.

"We'll have to think of something else," he said. "I think I need to give my brain a rest."

I glanced at my watch. "Oh great," I said. "I have to get home!"

"But you can't leave," Mabel said. "That werewolf will get you."

"I know," I said.

Mabel gasped. "A sleepover!" She said.

I smiled. "Got a phone I can call my parents with?"

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