Chapter 33: Freedom

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Mabel came back later. Bill was still in control of her. "Stan's no where to be seen!" Bill said. I could see dark circles under Mabel's eyes. She was exausted from all the work of trying to fight Bill from the inside. "Why isn't he in the Mystery Shack?"

Bill left Mabel's body and she collapsed on her hands and knees.

"Mabel!" Dipper exclamined. He gritted his teeth and turned to Bill. "What'd you do to her?!"

Bill shrugged. "I just used her to get me places all day and most of the night. She'll be fine, hopefully."

"Hopefully?!" I snapped. "You're killing her!"

"Aw, I don't need her anymore, well, not until I know where Stan is."

I could see Dipper struggling against the ropes. Mabel lay there, gasping for breath, her face was deathly pale. I bit my lip. What if Bill used me next?

"Tie her up," Bill said. "We can't have her getting away."

Then, I got a crazy idea. I had to wait, just for the right moment.

Gideon came over and pulled Mabel into a sitting position. She struggled feably against him because she was too weak to do much of anything else. Here's your chance, I thought.

Gideon carefully untied the ropes from around the tree I was at to tie Mabel on. He glanced in my direction, making sure I didn't have any plans. Of course, I did.

As soon as the ropes went slack enough for me to move in, I quickly slipped my arms out and pushed the rest of the ropes away. I was quick and everything seemed to move in slow motion. I grabbed Gideon's ar, and tried to get the bracelet off. Then he used it. I yelped as he hovered me up in the air. I gritted me teeth. So much for that plan.

Then, something good actually happened. The magic disapeared. I fell to the hard ground, the wind momentarally knocked out of me. As soon as I got my breath back, I looked up. Mabel had Gideon's bracet. I watched, open mouthed as she used it on Gideon and Bill. She still looked weak, but she held it nonetheless. "Get...Dipper," she managed.

I nodded and rushed to Dipper. He looked as surprised as I was. But I relised he was gawking at me. "Nice idea," he said.

I nodded. "Thanks." I untied the ropes that held Dipper to the tree and he was finally free. We were all free.

Dipper rushed over to Mabel and took the bracelet and held it more firmly. Mabel's eyes rolled back in her head and I caught her before she fell. I looked at Dipper. "We have to get back to the Mystery Shack," I said.

"One more thing," Dipper said. "Bill, give Kayla her parents back."

"You can't make me," Bill said. "This braclet won't hold me for much longer."

"What do you need to be satisfied?" I asked. "I mean, this can't all be about some stupid journal."

"Its about revenge on Stan too," Bill said.

"What he do to you?" I asked.

"You can't make me tell you," Bill said.

"This braclet has enough power to unraval you're existance for the moment," Dipper said. "I'll use it."

"You can try, Pine Tree," Bill said. "But I'll always be back for you. I will get my hands on that journal."

Dipper let Gideon fall. He scampered off. "Uh, should we get him?" I asked.

"Someone will find him running around," Dipper said. "He's not our problem anymore." Then he clenched his fist around the bracelet. I expected Bill to scream, but he just laughed. "Nice seeing you again, Pine Tree. I'll see you in the future." Then he was gone.

"D-did it work?" I asked.

"I hope so," Dipper said. He threw the bracelet and it burst into orange smoke. "Hey, I'm sorry that I couldn't get your parents back, this time."

I looked down. "We'll get them next time," I said.

"Yeah," Dipper said. He relised I was holding Mabel all by myself. "Here, I'll help you." He lifted her other arm on his shoulder. "We'd better get back to the Mystery Shack. Stan'll be worried and Mabel needs somewhere to rest."

"Its a good thing she wasn't possesed as long as you where," I said. "Imagine having to find that fountain again."

"Yeah," Dipper said. "I never want to go down there again."

"Me either," I said.

So, with Mabel between us, Dipper and I started back to the Mystery Shack.

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