Chapter 58: Gravity Hiccup

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I wasn't allowed to get up from the recliner for two days. Once or twice I tried to slip out, but when my feet hit the floor my headache came back and I almost fell over. They took turns making sure I was fed and comfortable. Most of the day was spent watching tv. Gravity Falls has some of the weirdest channels.

The only awkward part was when I went to the bathroom. Wendy and Mabel had to help me. They'd set me down and wait outside door till I was done.

Well, two days passed and I started to get the feeling back in my legs. With a little help, I could walk again. Thank goodness!

I still had to have help with some things (thankfully nothing to do with the bathroom), like calculating things, reading and stuff like that. My brain was fried, and hopefully not forever.

We sat at the breakfast table as Stan made us pancakes. I was starving, to be honest. Of course, I'm almost always hungry. As soon as Stan put a pancake on my plate, I smothered it with syrup and chowed down on it.

Mabel and Dipper did the same. I never did quite get my normal apperite back after the first time we where kidnapped. Well, now Mabel and Dipper where kidnapped again and pretty much starved again. Even worse, by me.

How could Mabel and Dipper ever forgive me for what I did? Yeah, I was under the influence of Bill, but maybe, somewhere deep down, I really was that person.

I tried to shake that off. I wasn't a bad person. Yeah, maybe I still had these weird dream demon powers, but its not like I'd ever use them against my friends. Right?

Speeking of powers, how do I get rid of them? I brought it up once or twice with Dipper, but he told me the journal said nothing about even a demon giving you the powers. Of course it wouldn't say how to take them away.

I took my plate to the sink thinking about this. I tripped and when I'm surprized or angry, mostly, that's when my stupid powers flare up. As I tripped my hands burst into flames. I can never feel how hot the flames are, but I know now that its hot enough to melt down glass.

"Oops," I said, trying to brush the accedent off. "S-sorry."

I could tell that they where if not afraid, concerned for me. I wouldn't blame them if they where scared. I was scared. Yeah, they've have more experience with this kind of stuff, but stuff like this should scare anyone.

Suddenly, everything started to float, even me. It was like we lost gravity. I looked over at Mabel and Dipper. I was about to ask them what the heck was going on, but the confusion on their faces stopped me.

I glanced at Stan. He was looking down at his watch. What was he up to. I was about to check, when everything dropped again. My plate, which I had let go of, shattered to the floor. No one bothered to clean it up.

"Uh, what just happened?" Mabel asked. 

Dipper shrugged. "I don't know." He took out the journal and started to flip through it. "I've never read anything about gravity loss in here."

Stan seemed strangly quiet. I eyed him suspitiously, but the twins didn't notice. I grabbed the broom and started to clean up the glass from my plate. I missed a peice and a shard or glass made its way into my bare foot. I yelped in pain.

"You okay?" Dipper asked, looking up from the journal.

"Fine," I said through gritted teeth. Mabel took the broom from me. "I've got it," she said. She kept glancing down at my hands. They where once again smoking. I closed my fists and took a deep breath.
"I'll take care of this." I was surprised by Stan's willingness to help. "There's some bandages in the bathroom."

I nodded and hopped after him, trying not to put too much pressure on my foot.

He took the bandages out of the mirror cabnet as I sat on the toilet seat. "What did you do?" I asked him.

"Why do you assume that Gravity annomally was my fault? He asked.

"Who else would've been behind it? Its that time portal thing you have downstairs, isn't it?" I crossed my arms.

"Its not exactly a time portal," Stan said, grabbing my foot and starting to dig the peice of glass out of it.

"Then what is it?" I demanded, wincing as he dug for the glass.

Stan stayed silent. He grabbed the shard of glass and pulled it out as I yelped and my hands burst into flames. He ignored the flames and wrapped my foot up, wiping the blood off his fingers. "That'll do it."

I stayed where I was. I gave him a hard stare to try and make him give up. He simply grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled me to my feet. I wanted to make him tell me, but this wasn't going anywhere. I sighed and walked back to the kitchen, limping slightly.

I had to find out what Stan was doing. Mabel and Dipper needed to know what there great uncle was up to. No matter what the cost.

Yes, I'm actually putting it-
Wait, that's a spoiler!
Can't say much more!
--Warning if you haven't seen the last episode of gravity falls, spoilers ahead!

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