Chapter 61: The End is Near

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Mabel, Dipper and I waited as the trucks rolled by, then we quickly jumped into the back of one of them. 

It drove right to the Mystery Shack. Before anyone noticed, we slipped out of the trunk and hid in the grass. "Okay," Mabel said. "Here's what we're going to do. I'll take down those two guards. Dipper, you and Kayla karate chop those three in the neck and we'll backflip through the front door."

Dipper and I glanced at each other. "Um, Mabel. I think you're missing the obvious solution," Dipper said.

"Oh, right," Mabel said. She reached into her sleeve and took out the grapling hook.

"You've had that the whole time?" I asked.

Mabel shugged. "I couldn't reach it when we where kidnapped last time. Then I just sort of forgot about it."

"Nevermind," I said. "So how are we going to get in by that?"

Dipper pointed to a tree. "How's your climbing?"


The hook of the grapling hook hit its mark on the broken window. We had found sturdy branches to use as handles so we could easily glide across the cord of the graping hook. Dipper went first, then Mabel, but when it was my turn, I didn't make it all the way. My branch snapped and I fell to the ground.

"Kayla!" Mabel scream whispered.

'Go!' I mouthed. 'I'll distract them!'

Mabel and Dipper disapeared just as the government guys got to me. "Hey!" One yelled. "Isn't that one of the kids that we were bringing to child services?"

I crossed my arms and stood up. "Who says I'm a Pines?"


"I am a Surrett, fyi! My parents dropped me off here, so you can't take me anywhere."

"We can take you back to your parents."

"Oh I don't think so," I said. A time where my dream demon powers might actually come in handy. I put my hand in front of me, trying not to aim at anyone and shot a fireball.

Like I hoped, it didn't hit anyone, but I did surprise them. No one wanted to come near me. Bad news, they had the guns out. "No, wait!" I said. "You don't understand! I'm being possesed by this demon so I can't control what I'm doing!" I couldn't believe I was lying to the government.

"What does that do with anything?" A guy asked.

"If you kill me, you'll unleash the demon inside and kill an inocent little girl." Another fireball shot out from my hands.

The guy I aimed at ducked and the fire just went over his head.

"Oops," I said.

Something stirred deep inside me. Whatever crazyness I had inside, it was yelling to escape. I wouldn't let it. Who knows what I'd do if that happened.

"Stand down, demon," one of the guys said.

I shook my head with a smirk. "If you want me, you've gotta go through her."

A gun went off, by the sound of it, a stun gun. I never really got the chance to see, because, maybe its just a super dream demon power thing, but I intersected the blast with a fireball. I crossed my arms. "So you wanna place nice, eh? Well I don't." Some sort of atomic engergy built up in my hands. I let it go.

The force on the energy made all the men fly back and pass out. I stared down at me hands. What the heck?

I didn't have time to ponder my newly found abilities. I jumped over the nearest guy and ran into the Mystery Shack.

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