Chapter 41: Suspitions

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A/N: Read the last chapter again (like the story chapter, not the author's note!). I needed to modify it because I have an awful memory and forgot that I switched Mabel and Dipper's bodies. I'll fix it this chapter so I dont have to remember it. Thanks!

The house was a mess. As soon as I stepped in, broken glass crunched beneath my feet. I flipped on the light switch, but I almost wished I hadn't. There was furnurture topped over, lamps broken, cushions torn, clothes spewed everywhere. I ran to my parents bedroom.

The room was inside out, but I barely noticed. There, on the bed, where the unconscious figures of my parents.

"Mom! Dad!" I yelled, running over to them. I shook my dad, but he didn't stir. I did the same for my mom. There was a rising panic inside me. I quickly checked there pulse. It was there. I let out a small sigh and kneeled on the floor by the edge of the bed. I felt tears coming. Bill still had my parents. But he didn't have them. He had part of them. Probobly there souls.

Dipper and Mabel rushed in soon after me. They saw my parents. "Wait, what?" Mabel asked.

"Bill still has them," I said. "He has there souls."

There was a laugh in the room. Bill was back. There was a flash of yellow light and there was my least favorite person in the world, Bill Cipher. I rolled my eyes at him. "Couldn't you just leave us alone?" I asked.

Bill shrugged. "No. Besides, I came to change something I did." He pointed at Dipper and Mabel. Dipper put an arm out in front of Mabel, to protect her. "Don't touch her."

Bill rolled his eyes at them. "Sheesh, kid," he said. "Calm down." He pointed a finger and something that looked like a flash of lighting went through them. I screamed.

When the lighting disappered, Mabel and Dipper where both on there hands and knees. Dipper rubbed his head. "Wh-what happened?"

"Dipper!" Mabel said. "I'm me!"

Dipper blinked. "And I'm me!"

I turned to Bill. I was at a loss for words.

"What?" Bill asked. "I'm insane, remember? I can do good if I want."

"Good?" I asked. "And what's your price?"

"No price," Bill said. Then he was gone.

I looked at the twins. "Are you two okay?" I asked.

"I-I think so," Dipper said, helping Mabel up.

"Why'd Bill help us?" Mabel asked.

"I don't know," Dipper said. "But, there has to be a downside to this."

I nodded. "Bill would never do something without consiquence."

"You catch on quick," Dipper said.

"I'm a fast learner," I said.

"We should get going," Mabel said. "We never told Grunkle Stan that we where going into town. He might start to worry about us."

"What about them?" Dipper asked, gesturing to my parents. "Kayla? What do you think we should do?"

I blinked. "Your asking me?"

Dipper nodded. "There your parents. You get the last say."

My gaze drifted to my unconscious parents. I sighed. "Well, we can't take them with us."

"So we leave them here?" Mabel asked.

I bit my lip. "I guess so."

Mabel walked over and pulled me into a hug. "Hey. Don't worry. We'll find out how to wake them up. Even if it takes like a bazillion years."

I smiled. "Well, I hope it doesn't take that long."

"We'd better get going," Dipper said.

"Wait!" I said. "I need to grab some things."


About ten minutes later we where on the road. I had a bag of some clothes, a blanket and some other things that girls need to survive. And no, not make up. I can't stand that stuff! Oh, I also grabbed my mom's phone. Just in case. Oh, and my iPod charger. Oh, and- well, you get the picture.

We walked back to the Mystery Shack and it was about lunch time when we got back. My backpack was starting to get heavy and I was strting to get hungry. I ran up to the attic to drop my bag off and ran downstairs.

Mabel was already in the kitchen when I got down there. I smiled. "Whatcha making?" I asked.

"Mac n' cheese," Mabel said.

"Yum," I said, sitting down at the table. I looked around. "Where's Dipper?"

Mabel shrugged. "He's probably off doing some nerd thing."

I smiled. "Yeah, probably."

"What's that suppose to mean?" A voice behind me asked.

I turned to see Dipper standing in the doorway with the journal in his hands.

"See!" Mabel said, pointing her spoon at the journal in her brother's hands. "That's exactly what we mean."

"Hey! Its perfectly normal for a guy to carry around a book at all times, especially if its this one," Dipper said, walking over to the table and sitting down.

"Sure, bro bro," Mabel said. "You keep telling yourself that."

Dipper shot Mabel a look and opened the journal. "I'm trying to find why Bill switched our bodies, but didn't ask for something in return."

I shrugged. "Maybe he was just annoyed that it didn't harass the two of you as much as he might have wanted it to."

"Maybe..." Dipper muttered.


Dipper, Mabel, Soos, Wendy and I were all chilling, watching tv when Stan came in. "Okay, party's over," he said.

"Aw!" Soos complained. "But its the best part!"

"I don't care," Stan said. "Its time for bed. You tree, upstair, now."

Mabel, Dipper and I stood up and, after a quick goodbye to Soos and Wendy, went upstairs. Mabel and I changed in the room as Dipper changed in the bathroom. We brushed out teeth and got everything set up for going to bed.

Everything was quiet when Dipper finally blew out the lamp. I closed my eyes and fell to sleep right away.

I thought I'd actually have a good night's sleep, but no! Someone woke me up by stepping on my air matress. I opened my eyes to see Mabel slipping out the door. What could she be doing? I tried to go back to sleep and ignore it, but it was hard.

When Mabel finally walked back in, I asked her, "Where where you?"

"Restroom," Mabel said.

"Oh, okay," I said, laying back down. That was such a normal thing, but why did I have this feeling that something was up? Something was out if place?

I pushed the thought from my mind. You're just paranoid! Now get some sleep! I told myself that over and over again, but it took my probably three hours to get to sleep. And when I did, it wasn't very restful.

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