Chapter 59: The Nightmare Begins

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--Warning! Episode 11 spoilers in this chapter!--

That night, I followed Stan downstairs again, this time memorizing the code.

I slipped down after Stan after a second. Hopefully he was too busy with his machine to pay me too much attention.

It turned out, he was. He didn't even turn around when I came down. The machine looked even more powerful then the first time I saw it.

A flash of red light caught my attention. There was a timer going down. It said 18:36:55 and going down with each second. My hands started to smoke with anxiety. Yeah, that sometimes happens. At least they don't burst into flames when I'm nervous.

Stan apparenty didn't spot me, so I dashed over to where he kept the journals and grabbed one. Maybe it said how to get rid of these stupid dream demon powers in here. I quickly flipped to the Bill Cipher pages. I read through all of it. It did say how to posses such powers, but nothing about getting rid of them. I slammed the book shut in frustration and grabbed the other one. I started to flip through that one frantically.

Here! I found the page. I was about to read how to get rid of these powers when there was another gravity anomally. I hugged the book to my chest as I floated up with everything else. This would get me noticed by Stan alright.

And he did notice me. "Hey, kid! That's my property!"

"I need it!" I said.

Stan sorta swam over to me. I tried to get away, but he was better at it then I was. He grabbed my foot (the one which I stepped on glass with) and pulled me towards him. "Let me go!"

"Give me the book first!"

"No! I need it!"

His arms where longer and stronger then mine. He grabbed it out of my hands and let me go. Just after he let me go, gravity returned and we both fell to the ground.

"What do you think you where doing, kid?"

I could smell smoke drifting from my hands, but I didn't care. "I need it to get rid of these stupid dream demon powers!"

"Can't you juat wait for about...19 hours?"

"What is that machine for anyway? You already said it wasn't a portal. So is it like a death ray? Or a demention thing?"

"Its none of your buisness," Stan said, setting the book down.

"Come on," I said. "Do you really think I'd tell?"


I crossed my arms.

Stan turned me around and started to push me to the elevator. "Its getting late, don't you think?"

"I'm thirteen," I said. "I usually stay up until 11."

"Maybe thats why your so snappy."

"Let go of me!"

Stan opened the elevator and pushed my inside before following me. He shut the door and we started to go up. Stan didn't talk and I didn't attempt to start a conversation, so we stood in tense silence.

We stepped out of the vending machine, me going first. Stan pretty much sent me to my room and I decided just to do it. Maybe Mabel and Dipper where still awake. Doubt it. They were only twelve after all. It was like 10:30 already.

My suspitions where confirmed when I stepped into the room. The lights where off and Dipper and Mabel where out. I tiptoed over to my bed. I layed down and closed my eyes, but I couldn't get to sleep.

When I finally did, I had a nightmare.

"You coming?" Dipper asked me in the dream.

"Be right there," I said.

He shrugged and he and Mabel walked into the Mystery Shack.

I looked down at my hands. My dream demon powers where going crazy. Fire spontaniously eruped on my hands and disapeared just as quickly.

I didn't know how I knew, but I knew everyone I loved was in the shack, including my parents. I had to get these powers under control before-

A fireball shot out of my hands. I watched in horror as it hit the Mystery Shack. It burned faster then normal fire did. Then my hands snot another one.

Tears where streaming down my face. I wanted to run in there to help, but my feet felt like they where glued to the ground. My voice didn't work either.

The fire had almost died out when I could move again. I shouted the names of the people I loved, but no one answered. I ran through the house, only finding three things: Dipper's hat, Mabel's headband, and Stan's fez. I clutched the things to my chest as I cried. I already felt myself going crazy. Like, Bill crazy. I held my head, but it didn't help.

Eventually I just gave in and was eveloped in darkness.

I think I'll just leave you hanging there
Still, spoilers from episode 11 coming up!
I really don't want to spoil it for anyone!
I honestly think this story is coming to an end, belive it or not
Parting is such sweet sorrow!

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