Chapter 7: Problems

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Mabel and I were playing a board game when Dipper jolted awake. We crawled over to him. "Dipper?" Mabel asked.

"Y-yeah," he said. "It's me."

Mabel smiled and shoved the plate of food in his face. "Uh, Mabel," He said. "Handcuffed to the bed."

"Oh, right," Mabel said. She scooped up some eggs and stuffed it into Dipper's mouth. He winced, as if Bill was trying to take over again. Mabel shoved some more food in. Dipper smiled. "Thanks," he said. Almost before he finished the word, Mabel fed him another bite.

Almost as soon as he was done, he shuddered. An evil grin went on his face. "Well, well, well," he said. "You guys made the wrong move."

Before I could ask what the heck he meant, Bipper pulled on the handcuffs holding his there. They broke! He let out a mad laugh and sstood up. "You can't stop me," he said. "Even with this weak, little body, I'm more powerful then the two of you combined!"

He shot a blue fireball at us. We dodged it, but he ran out. We followed him. He ran out of the house. We followed him still. We had no idea where he was going.

Bipper ran into the woods. All the monsters fled when he came. It was a good thing that he couldn't float.  We would have never kept up with him.

I triped over a log and I sent both Mabel and I tumbling down the hill after Bipper. We quickly scrambled to our feet and ran after him.

He ran towards the falls. We ran after him. He kept running up to the top. I took a deep breath and ran after him. We ran up the side of the falls, the water splashing us on the way.

Bipper made it to the top first. He flashed us a smile and kept running. We climbed to the top and sat, panting for breath. "I could kill him right now," Bipper said.

Mabel stood up in alarm. "No!" She said. "Please! I-I'll do anything!"

Bipper laughed. "Don't follow me, or else."

Mabel looked down. She tried to hide it, but I saw a tear fall. Then she nodded. Bipper smiled deeper. He turned to me. "You too, or else."

He walked off into a patch of trees. I glanced at Mabel. "I'm going."

Mabel's head snapped up. "What? No!" She said. "We can't risk it!"

"I promise I won't be seen!" I said.

Mabel put her arms around her legs. She wasn't in the mood to argue.

I slipped off to find where that monster had Dipper. I watched my feet to make sure I didn't step on any twigs. My hair that had fallen out of its braid got in my eyes. I brushed them out of the way.

I heard a yelp that was unmistakeably Dipper. I tried not to run to my new friend.

I stopped when I heard talking. "You're helping me greatly." That was Bill. He was close. I crept to the nearest bush and looked through it. Dipper was proped up against a tree. He looked like normal old Dipper. Where was Bill?

There was a laugh. I glanced to the left and my heart skipped a beat. There was a tall guy with blond hair and an eyepatch. He had a mad look to him. He had a top hat and a bowtie. He stepped up to Dipper. "I've gained this body from you," Bill said. "It won't last forever, but it should last long enough."

Dipper gritted his teeth. He didn't look too good. He had bags under his eyes, his face was scratched up from running through the woods and he was trembling. "Enough for what?" Dipper asked. "W-what are you going to do to me?"

Bill smiled. "You know, Pinetree," he said. "You're a lot stronger then you look. We make a pretty good team."

"Team?" Dipper said. "You possesed me and hold me to do anything you want to do, with me as your puppet!"

"Don't worry, kid," Bill said. "I'll free you as soon as my work here is done."

"What kind of work?" Dipper asked.

"You know, Pinetree," he said. "You ask way too many questions." Bill stepped right up to Dipper and moved him into a lying down position with his mind. "Let's see if this willshut you up." He stepped on Dipper, near the face. Dipper tried to move his foot away, but he couldn't.

"Now," Bill said. "Where was I? Oh yes. My work here. Well, as you know, I'm a being of pure energy. I have no weaknesses. I could control this town if I got the chance. No one would ever try to stop me again. Epecially you." He pressed down on Dipper a little harder. "I could also find the stupid journal you've been hiding from me. Oh, don't worry. I won't touch you're sister, unless she gets in the way."

Dipper was still trying to get Bill off him when Bill's form flickered. "You don't know my whole plan, but let's keep it this way, okay Pinetree."

Bill turned into the normal triangle I saw before, then he melted back into Dipper's body. There was a footprint on his cheak, but he didn't bother with it. I quietly scrambled back to where Mabel was.

Before I made it halfway, I felt someone grabbed the back of my sweatshirt. "Hey!" I said. I turned to see Bipper holding onto me. "Did you really think you could escape me? I knew you where there the whole time. So now you know a fake plan, and not my real one." He smiled. "Kids theses days." His smiled came up again. "Now Pinetree will have to pay the price."

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