Chapter Twenty-Five: Is this the end of the Road?

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"You two," a guard says opening our cell, expecting us to exit.

Squeezing Hannah's hand reassuringly, I walk out with Hannah close by. He roughly handcuffs us, hands behind us instructing us to follow. To eliminate any chance of escape, another guard walks behind us.

The guards, looking like every other guard in the building, six-foot-tall and burly lead us through the dated cells. The victims caged up along the way giving us pity glances. Hannah's teeth rattling through the tense silence making me look back to give her an assuring smile, quickly turning back when the guard glares at me.

As we get to the end of the cells, the guard in front takes us through a red-brick, narrow passage with lanterns on either side lighting our way. A welcome sight after a week of being in the dank, murky cell.

It's not long before we take a left at the passage leading us to an opening. A vast area with concreted floors, the red-brick walls continuing out here, five doors in sight. One each for the unfortunate girls and their impending doom.

The guard in front dragging me to the door nearest to our entrance whilst Hannah is dragged by the other guard to the door on my left. The guards reaching their pockets, the left one I note, to unlock the doors. Shoving us in before locking the door again.

Saving Hannah at the forefront of my mind, I scan the simplistic room looking for a weapon or anything that could be useful. Other than a large wooden unkempt bed, the room is sparse. Rushing around looking at each corner of the room, my heart starts pacing as I see little else in the room. Feeling defeated, I sit down on the edge of the bed staring at the boarded window.

Hold on a minute, the window!

If I could just get a board of the window. Using all my might, I pull on the boards at the window trying to break them free.

When I see the boards barely nudging, my hand raises to my chest taking out a bag. The bag with the pill which Imelda insisted I take with me. Hesitating for only a second, I put the bag away and try again. This time aiming for the bottom board looking looser than the rest. The board finally loosening after minutes of pulling and tugging at it.

Just a while longer and its mine.

My efforts are interrupted as the door bangs open, 'my' guards grin changing abruptly to one of anger and annoyance as he struts over to me. My adrenaline kicking in when I see him coming towards me, the board finally comes completely loose. Not having a moment to think, I whack him before he can touch me causing him to collapse, blood pooling out his head in gallons.

I lean over his left pocket gaining hold of his blood-covered keys as the blood continues pooling all around him, the concrete floors almost invisible on this side of the room. Rushing out with the keys and my new weapon, I run out of the room towards Hannah.

Startled to see her door open, my sweaty palms open the door further. My panic only increasing when I see Hannah cowering in a corner with two men next to her.

What the hell have I got her into?

Running forward with my board, I whack the tattooed man from earlier causing him to face the same fate as 'my' guard. As I am about to whack the second guard, I freeze when I catch his face.

"K-K-Kurt!" I yell embracing him, not letting him go until I feel his body get limp.

I let his body collapse on to the bed when I realise he has used up all his strength. Taking the pill out my chest, I am about to give it to Kurt when I remember Hannah's state.

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