Chapter Forty-One: Picnic Part 2

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The fields ahead sparse, grass wilting and trees bare as warriors resume their usual training. The drips of sweat on their foreheads a sign the breeze isn't bothering them. A contrast to me dressed in a wool jumper and dark-brown UGG boots. With Imelda and Avery practicing breathing exercises, I don't even have her stories to distract from the cold.

My feet sway on the wooden bench in anticipation of today. Ayden's form comes into view on the far end of the field. His steady steps agonising me as my body yearns to have him close. My heart fluttering at the sight of his fitted shirt leaving little to the imagination and his warm smile brightening my day like a bowl of apple pie on a winter's day.

Is it really okay to be getting this close to my mate considering I could still be a threat? Luanna marked him without consent and although my gut may tell me she's innocent, reality is suggesting otherwise. Today will be my chance to get Ayden to see sense like he used to.

Ayden reaches the bench eons later offering his hand to lead me to the usual trusty jeep. We drive past the training fields towards the quainter hills and troughs. A loud clanking in the boot becoming prominent as we drive through the bumps and cracks of the ground.

When we come to a stop, the fresh, sweet scent in the air warms my lungs. The grass-filled fields and trees blossoming with thousands of tiny white and pink flowers, covering acres of land deep into the distance.

"Further down we have peaches and plums," Ayden says noticing me staring.

Ayden walks to the back of the car to unload spades and roots, loading them onto a worn-out wheelbarrow beside a tree. Pushing the contents a few metres ahead, he stops and leans the vehicle against a fully grown tree double the size of him. With the distance feeling too large for comfort, I scurry towards him. Ayden ties a pair of gloves over my hands and places a spade in my palm.

"It's pretty easy, just copy me but five metres apart."

He effortlessly digs a large whole burying a root inside, before covering it and stomping on it aggressively. I raise my eyebrows, unsure if Ayden has lost the plot. I wouldn't blame him with everything that's going on, nobody would.

"To eliminate air pockets," Ayden sends a slight smile my way knocking away my previous thoughts.

Getting hold of another root from the stockpile, I do the same planting as many as I can. More apple trees, is that ever a bad thing? I think not. Through all the planting, Ayden silently concentrates on the job. The longest I've seen him keep a straight face, no anger, no annoyance, no frowns. It feels so foreign yet it melts my heart in the finest of ways.

As I finish the final one, Ayden sits down under a tree. The sight likened to the first time we arrived at the orchard. I place my utensil and gloves into the wheelbarrow before sitting next to Ayden. Only now realising the energy depleted out of me from the hard labour. Ayden not seeming to feel the same lethargy I do as he looks to the left of us at the empty section of the field. Think of all the apple trees we could plant there!

"We may move the pack up here now that our protection barriers are broken," Ayden says continuing to glare at the space.

Not as exciting as the apple trees but his suggestion is more practical.

"Ayden," I say preparing myself for the dreaded part of today.

He turns slightly to face me and with my next words feeling too painful to say, my eyes trail to the grass beneath us.

"You need to stop all this, it's dangerous for the pack."

Ayden places his fingers beneath my chin lifting my face to meet his, "Planting a few trees isn't going to-"

"That's not what I meant! Trusting me is a mistake."

"We've been through this, when are you going to understand that you aren't the threat?"

"How can you keep saying that?"

"Because it's the truth."

"Luanna marked you without your consent, doesn't that tell you anything?"

Ayden's arms wrap around my waist lifting me to his thighs, my legs straddling his sides. His dark, mesmerising eyes staring into mine.

"Kaelynn, you really do jump to conclusions too quickly. Luanna would never mark Errol without consent."

"She didn't ask."

"Marking can't be completed without consent, the mark would fade and the pain would be indescribable."

Is that really true? Inspecting the vivid mark on his neck, my fingers trace the newly-formed lines of two intertwined wolves. One slightly larger and darker than the other. A beautiful mark, somehow making the perfect Ayden even more perfect. I keep believing that's impossible, somehow life has made it possible one too many times.

"It's us," Ayden says, pulling me closer.

I nod acknowledging it is us, not that it had clicked before. I raise my eyes back to Ayden, his gaze peering it mine as he strokes my cheek. The sparks as electrifying as his first touch was. His fingers leave my cheeks and an emptiness lands in my stomach for a second before his arms wrap around my waist pulling me even closer. Our faces now almost in touching distance and his mouth forming a slight smirk. I almost didn't notice it but the way his eyes lit up, it was impossible not to.

The intimacy builds butterflies in my stomach as I barely fumble my fingers in the limited space between us. Ayden's face moves closer and he brushes his lips against mine. My heart skipping several beats and my eyes widening as he does. His lips place several soft, warm kisses on my lips. The adrenaline jumping across every nerve ending within me, wanting more, needing more.

My hands lift to grip his neck urging him to continue. The gentle kisses continue slowly and my wet lips move in sync with his, mimicking his every move. The sincerity in the act making the moment perfect, our perfect first kiss. His sugar-filled kisses begin to get longer and more passionate, fingers twined into my hair allowing no escape as his mouth leaves the most succulent of kisses, threatening to never stop. Amongst my burning insides and flying heart, I question how I have gone through twenty-five years of life without a moment as magical as this.

Ayden eventually lets go of my lips, his forehead resting against mine as we gather our breathes.

"We should get back," Ayden says still heavy-breathed.

He lets go off my hair, sitting me beside him. His smile brightening when he sees my face. Ayden's face decorated with a slight-red tinge and his ever so slightly swollen lips, the most attractive of sights. The mere sight enough to force myself not to lunge at him.

Ayden gets up offering me his hand as always and we walk back to the car, wheelbarrow dragged along with us. Ayden unloads the materials back into the car after leaving me seated in the car. The mirror ahead catching my frazzled state. My face a worse state than Ayden's, my hair likened to a bird's nest. I try to clean myself up as Ayden enters tutting towards me and placing a kiss on my forehead.

"This is a good look on you," Ayden says whilst starting the car up.

Swollen lips, flushed skin, crazy hair, when is that ever a good look on anyone?

"It shows everyone that you're mine."

My heart flutters at being Ayden's but he doesn't need a mark or any physical signs for the world to know.

"Especially Caleb," Ayden whispers.

I should have known this was too good to be true, "You kissed me to mark your territory around Caleb?"

Ayden's slams the brakes and looks at me horrified.

"That's not what I meant."

He reaches for my hands but I'm in no mood for the crazy sparks right now so I cover my hands and face the window ignoring my mate. He continues driving in silence and makes no attempts to follow me when we arrive back at the pack house.

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