Chapter Fourteen: Yearning

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Another damn meeting. All Dad has done this week is call meetings. I can't sit through another hour of Dad talking, we need to stop all this and take action.

"That's enough, we aren't going to stay here like sitting ducks anymore. We attack tomorrow," I say.

"But Alpha-"

I glare over to the pack member who spoke daring him to continue to defy me. He instantly silences himself but his insolence has already wound me up.

"We aren't prepared yet," Dad says.

Dad's comment is enough to tip me over the edge; does nobody respect the Alpha anymore. Unable to suppress my anger any longer, I pick up my glass and throw it against the wall shattering it.

At this point, I no longer know what is happening around me. I hear footsteps trailing away and assume the pack members are leaving the room. My hands automatically reach for the liquor cupboard and I pour myself a whiskey.

Dad sighs as he moves closer to me, "Son, you have been lashing out all week. If you keep going, you will alienate yourself from the pack."

"You should all know better than to defy your Alpha!"

"Is this what this is really about? Or is it something else?"

I know what Dad is getting at so I don't answer, to which he continues, "being away from your mate isn't doing you or the pack any good."

"That's ridiculous!" I say before heading to the desk, "I need to get on with this paperwork."

Dad takes this as his cue to leave and I ponder his words. The last thing I wanted to do was send my mate away. I have been on edge all week and Errol has retreated away refusing me to talk to me. Between my wolf giving me the silent treatment and not knowing how Kaelynn is doing, I'm going insane.

Pouring myself another drink, I gulp it down and slump into my chair to catch up on my emails. At the top of the list, I see an urgent email from Edon asking for our attack history. After sending it through, I pick up the phone to call Edon hoping everything is okay.

"Hello, Ethereal Midnight residence speaking."

I am stunned for a minute, that's not Edon's voice. It's a woman and I recognise it so clearly.

"Kaelynn?" She breaths heavily and says nothing so I continue, "Is Edon about?"

"I'm covering him today, is this about the email?"

I am about to answer when I hear another voice in the background saying, "Are you joining us, Queen?"

Instantly, I recognise the voice as Caleb's. Clenching my fist, I curse myself for sending my mate into the arms of another man.

As I hear her hushing the man, I ask through gritted teeth, "Who was that?"

"Sorry Alpha, it's no-one important. You were saying?"

I hear a snigger in the background and know Caleb is still there. Trying to keep my mind clear, I focus back on the conversation. Kaelynn reassures me that there are no new threats and we end the conversation.

Brandos, we are leaving for Edon's pack to discuss business now. Dad, Kurt, you are both in charge while we are away.

There's no way in hell my mate is staying there with Caleb for a minute longer. I expect retaliation from Kurt but he agrees right away.

Reaching the garage with an overnight bag, I unlock the nearest car to me. It's a small, sleek model which will be just the right size for the journey. As I load my bag into the boot, I see Brandos with Avery and Kiara walking towards me.

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