Chapter Twenty: Escape Plan

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Two hundred and three panels of wood, that's the third count and it's been the same number each time. Counting sheep doesn't work as well as people claim, maybe if I count one more time.

Beside me Ayden sleeps soundly, not flinching for a single second. His features relaxed, although the creases on his face tell a different story; the same story the rest of the pack's faces tell, that danger is near and only something drastic could stop it.

Sitting up, I glance over Ayden at the digital clock now reading 3 a.m. which convinces me to give up on counting. Kurt will be over soon to ruin what little sleep I could potentially get. Feeling defeated, I go back to staring at the ceiling, eyes wide open not even threatening to close in the slightest.

Back to studying the panels, the sizes remain constant but the shades of brown differ from a chestnut hue to a coffee tone. The panels must be from more than one tree, unsurprising given the size of the forest on site. If I was to guess, it's got to be three at least. My sleep needs to fix itself or I will be an expert on wood in no time.

Convinced an hour must have passed by now, I wonder where Kurt is. Sitting back up, I look to the clock disappointment when I see barely five minutes have passed. I wonder if Killian had trouble sleeping during his reign, perhaps all murderers can't sleep with their guilty consciences.

At least Killian faced his people and ruled in plain sight, I ran away leaving behind all my people and avoiding the punishment I deserve. I may have made that mistake all those years ago, but that won't happen again. Glancing at the clock one final time, my mind is made up; I'll beat Kurt to the prisoner and offer to hand myself over to Mother.

Wasting no time, my feet dash downstairs to the front door almost making me stumble as I am stopped from going outside. Looking up, I see Kiba and Erik are back at their posts again.

Think fast, you can get past them.

"Kurt has called me out to meet him," I say hoping they buy it.

Erik looks hesitant but when Kiba lets me go, he does the same. Walking away past them, I let out a breath and relax my muscles pleased with how well I lied. With little time before Kurt notices I'm missing; I race through the forest with my route memorised.

Before long, the pungent smell in the air gets strong and the rusty gate comes into my view. Stopping at my destination, my arms reach for the door trying to open it only to realise there's a padlock.

How did I forget the dungeon is locked? Damn it, I never think things through.

Frantically, I scan the area hoping for anything to break the lock. My eyes lock on a sturdy-looking, broken branch within reaching distance. Stretching my arms out, I grab the branch and violently swing it at the lock trying to budge it. My first effort is futile but I try again and again, not having much luck each time.

"Kaelynn, what the actual hell?" I look back seeing Kurt creep up on me.

Keeping hold of my branch, I ignore him trying again to break the padlock open. He doesn't understand, I need to do this to stop all the violence I've caused.

"Okay, so what's the plan? To leak our secrets to the Queen? To force Ayden to start a war to retrieve you?"

Kurt's words force me to pause for a moment.

What is my plan?

So, I decided to break out a prisoner who committed treason against an Alpha and face my mother, but what next? My gaze meets Kurt eyes, who looks more concerned than angry considering the situation. Accepting that he is right, I drop to my knees in defeat letting go of the branch in the process. My plan sucks; it was never going to work like this.

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