Chapter Thirty-Eight: The Twisted Illusion

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Turkey and cranberries, leftovers from Christmas. That's the only time any sane person would eat cranberries, even then why bother? Apple sauce would taste better, but 'that would be breaking tradition' as Father says. I douse my plate in gravy to cover the tang of the red berries before taking a bite to my lips. Across the table others follow suit and pick up the gravy. Another silly tradition, royals must begin eating first.

Father continues munching away on his food as if the world revolves around him and it does, judging by the swarms of people crowding around us. A few mouthfuls in, a clank besides me nudges my attention up. Father's seat empty, his knife and fork on top of his half-full plate. Leaving a plate empty is one of his talents, something feels off.

Putting down my utensils, I make my way to the large black doors but an arm stops me as I approach. A command by Father, nobody else would stop a future Queen. Something is wrong, seriously wrong. Confining me to the dining room, that's never been done before.

My hands reach out trying to push through the guard to get out but a human, at the miserable age of fifteen, regardless of whether she is a future Alpha, cannot defeat even the weakest of wolf warriors. That's a fact. My palms begin collecting pearls of liquid at the possibilities.

My gaze scans the room for another way out, only the twenty-storey window. That's just great. My feet carry me across the room to the window, making my way through the clattering and munching of the fellow pack members. Only women, there's only women in here. My eyes widen at the meaning of this.

My feet gathering pace as they sprint to the window, the sight beyond me a warzone. Father's large wolf in the centre of it all, pack members fighting pack members. A civil war. Right under our roof, who would even want to challenge Father. Everyone loves him, don't they?

Sweat pooling through every inch of me, I watch intently ashamed that I am of no help. Swords clash and wounds open in front of my very eyes yet I remain still, unless my shaking hands count as movement. Through the crowds, I see Mother making her way to the centre. Her human hands wrapped around a large sword, on her way to help. Her strength and bravery something I have always aspired to match.

Father continues battling man after man, none a match for the Alpha King. It makes the battle look nonsensical, like victory would be a pipe dream for the attackers. My hands begin to steady as the battle draws to a close, victory in fingers reach. Injuries minimal and Father's reputation improved, a win-win situation in every sense.

I take a deep breath and my hands rest on the damp ledge. Father's movements capturing my attention, his swift killings and attuned senses; mesmerising. Mother finally making it by his side, standing still amongst the remaining chaos. Her eyes meeting his as they hold their gaze. Is this really the moment to be romantic, right in the middle of battle?

In the next few seconds, my eyes go from widening to blinking rapidly to burning. The next few seconds take my breath away in the worst possible way. My gaze seeing nothing but red, bright-fresh blood.

My breathing intensifies, my palms, shoulders, ears, everything burning. The betrayal, the disloyalty, the treachery and by the most unlikely person.

My eyes blink rapidly and my surroundings make me jump up. The wooden panels, the silk sheets, the bright lights from the balcony. What just happened? I burry my head into my hands as I process my thoughts. Thoughts that had been buried in my head deep down. They had been there this whole time, I knew everything. I knew and I still abandoned my kingdom.

Pushing the sheets off my mostly-bare body, I walk to the balcony. The ash laden fields visibly dull under the shining light of the sky, the usual plush forests destroyed. Every nook and cranny visible of our land, our forest defences now useless. With Ayden's shirt offering little protection from the cold, I clutch onto my arms and take my final glance at the fields. No live bodies, either everyone is dead or they are recovering.

Walking back inside, I shut the white doors and relish in the warmth of the building. When I turn around, my heart jumps out of my chest seeing a body seated on the bed.

"Hey," Ayden mumbles out.

My heart rate shows no signs of recovering the second his honey-laced voice rings through my ears. His ruffled hair and heavy eye-bags making him more attractive, as if that was possible. I walk closer to take a seat next to him, my eyes never leaving his form. His slouched body and glossy eyes, a difficult sight to bear making me wish I could take away every millimetre of pain away.

"You haven't slept?"

Ayden nods in agreement, and says, "You've been out for over a day."

His rugged sight now becoming obvious. I fumble my fingers in shame, sleeping through the obliteration of our people and land. Could the kingdom possibly be given a worst Queen? A queen who barely even saved her best friend, let alone anyone else.

"Avery?" I screech, her brittle state coming to mind.

"She's fine and so is the baby."

My arms flop to my side as those words leave his lips. Getting up, I rummage through the drawers for clothes.

"I should go help Finn."

"Sit back down, Kaelynn. Finn has discharged almost everyone."

Ignoring his command, I continue, "Then I should help Kurt with visiting the families-"

"It's already done."

"Then, I-"

"Kaelynn, stop," Ayden's command comes out laced in Alpha authority. "Everything is done, the best thing for you is to rest your wolf until the next battle."

Feeling this useless, it's like that night again. That night that proves my entire life was a lie. It doesn't feel real yet and maybe it isn't. What if this whole thing is a hallucination, a sick cruel one at that? Maybe I will wake up soon and I'll be back in the dining room that night, they'll be no battle and Father will finish that plate of food with the vile cranberries.

With no option but defeat, I fold the clothes back up, placing them in the drawer before turning around to sit back down.

"Good, now rest," Ayden says, his gaze looking tirelessly at the door.

"Where are you going?"


"I'll do it."

"You wouldn't know how to," Ayden shakes his head as he gets up.

Grabbing on to his coarse fingers, I say, "Let me help you at least."

"Kaelynn," His voice getting higher. "Rest."

I stand up to lock our gazes, "It's you who needs rest, you are no good in this condition to anybody."

His shoulders relax for a moment, "A short nap might be good."

Ayden grips my hand harder, the electric currents now becoming apparent as they run through every nerve. Stronger than ever before, my wolf yelps inside and in that moment, I know I could never let this man go.

Ayden walks over to the bed motioning at me to get in before following me in. The grey sheets covering us as I stare towards my mate. His eyes forced shut and his body still tense. As if by instinct, my body crawls towards him wanting to comfort him. I rest my head on his chest, the warmth of his body engulfing me in ecstasy. A moment that feels so right like we are two pieces of a jigsaw destined to fit together.

Not long after, Ayden's slouches into the bed. His body softening and his arms making their way around my waist, wrapping around tightly, leaving no room for escape. Not that my wolf would allow me to escape. A day with my wolf and I'm already throwing myself at my mate, how Ayden has managed to deny his wolf all these weeks is mindboggling.

Despite being wide awaken and rested, my lids find themselves drifted off and before long my body shuts itself down into the sweetest of slumbers.

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