Chapter Forty-Two: It must be Love

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"You're mad because he kissed you?" Avery furrows her eyebrows at me.

"That's not it."

"He was a terrible kisser?"

"No," I sigh. "It was amazing."


My thumbs massage into my temples as I think back to Ayden's crazy behaviour and how to phrase it.

"Don't keep me in suspense, you know that's bad for the baby!"

After rolling my eyes internally, I say, "He kissed me to show Caleb I'm his!"

Avery lets out a snicker, to which I respond, "Avery! This is serious."

"Sorry," she mumbles with a grin covering her face.

Why isn't she seeing the act for the crazy that it is? It is crazy, isn't it? Judging by Avery's response I'm overreacting but my emotions say different.

"You think I'm being silly?" I ask

Avery nods her head in disagreement, "It's just, you know Ayden, he's a typical Alpha in some senses and his alpha side just can't handle you not being completely his. It's kind of sweet in a way, isn't it?"

Sweet? If that's sweet then apples are sour and grass is pink. Ayden wanting to mark his territory when I'm already his is ludicrous and downright unhealthy. Not to mention, Caleb lives hours away. At this point, I'm convinced he thinks about Caleb more than he thinks of me.

Avery taps her fingers on the marble counter taking me out of my silent thoughts. This girl, two minutes of silence would be enough to have her on her deathbed.

"I am completely his," I finally respond.

"How would you feel if Ayden's and his ex-girlfriend spoke every day?"

"I do not speak to Caleb every day!"

"Almost every day."

"And what girlfriend?" I ask feeling my blood burning up slightly.

"I just made her up but judging by your flushed skin, I'd say you felt a tiny share of what Ayden feels."

My hands place themselves on the counter as I steady myself, the red-tinge remaining in my skin for a few moments longer. That feeling, the moment she mentioned a girl, it was agony. My insides shiver at how Ayden must have felt all these months if just the mention of an ex-girlfriend sets me off like this. Wait a minute, this isn't right.

"Caleb is not my ex! Your example is completely flawed."

"He's a guy, it counts."

I shake my head and decide arguing with her will achieve nothing. Either way, Ayden is crazy and for no good reason. That's the only conclusion I'll be reaching today or any other day.

Avery lets out a few yawns and her droopy eyes get watery. Her final trimester is testing her energy to the limits and no matter how much she fights in, she ends up in bed earlier than any of us, dragging Mark with her of course. Linking arms with Avery, I lead her to her room knowing she would push through to half the night if I didn't.

"I can stay awake!" Avery pleads as we arrive at her room.

"I know you can but I'm tired."

Avery buys my lies, most likely from being too exhausted to dispute them. She walks into her room and when a small thud echoes into the hallway, my shoulders slouch down and my legs ready to walk away. Gazing left and right, I vacillate whether to avoid my mate or face him. Luanna makes up her mind within the second but I, on the other hand, am not sure. My legs begin to walk on their own accord as if my body agrees with her even if my mind doesn't.

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