Chapter Fifty-Two: Fight for Survival Part 1

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Wait ten minutes then the coast will be clear and be careful please.

You too, Ayden.

"Five minutes," I whisper to Baden.

He nods and falls to the ground, back resting against the wall. His frail state not ideal but considering his form, he is doing better than expected. Internal damages are unlikely, a concussion is out the question but heavy bruising is guaranteed and survival for him, that is a very low chance.

"I think I should go alone," I whisper.

"Are you crazy? It's a two-man job."

"You could die."

"You could die."

I sigh, "You know what I mean."

"I can't let you handle this alone. This is my kingdom too and my people are out on the fields risking their lives. I can't in good faith not do the same."

He has a death wish. Fighting isn't the only valuable contribution to the kingdom but I can't argue with him here, it would be an argument that I wouldn't win but I sure as hell will do everything in my power to protect him.

"Sixty seconds," Baden whispers, getting up.

His hands reach his pocket and he pulls out a screwdriver, staring at his watch as he does. My eyes instead focus on the hatch above us, lifting the flashlight and imagining the land that awaits us. The land that I haven't seen in almost a decade.

Baden begins his final countdown. "Five, four, three, two, one."

On one he hands me the screwdriver, I get on his shoulders and unscrew the nails until I am able to lift the hatch aside, leaving our exit clearly open. I climb out and pull Baden up too and we take a big gulp as we enter new territory. The grey-sky blends into the grey-like surroundings. Straight ahead, a solid, gate that stretches for 30 feet tall at least, sturdier and thicker than I remember. An erect castle to our immediate left, four rows of windows visible and the structure made up of large bricks worse for wear and dulled out. My fingers brush against the rough surface, lingering for a second as memories activate themselves. Eaves-dropping through the walls with Caleb, archery lessons in the gardens and Father always out-front greeting guests. It almost seems like a lifetime away.

"To the control room?" Baden asks.

"Yes," I mumble out, voice hoarse

I offer Baden an arm but he rejects it and walks supportless, his left leg limping slightly. We take large, slow steps forward and the wet sludgy soil squelches beneath us. Voices shout above us and Baden pulls us to the side, close to the wall. The yelling continues occasionally and in the background faint battle cries begin and it's clear that the battle is making its way to the centre.

We reach the corner of the castle building leading to the back and our heads peer slightly checking the area. Two, maybe three guards are gathered on the far-end of the wall, too engrossed in the obvious rebellion happening past the gate to glance backwards. Regardless the expanse would give us a possible five-minute head start if they do spot us but we won't take that chance. With backs firmly against the castle, we tread sideways. The dark of the building camouflaging us as we continue.

We walk in silence so as to not attract attention, the only clear words we occasionally hear are the shouts above, notably 'load the bullets' and 'spare no lives.' Our mission gets more desperate and Baden and I scurry faster after each word is heard. Our feet slush through the floor faster and faster but the walls seem to go on forever. There was a time this massive building bought great joy to me but now it brings anticipation and anxiety.

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