Chapter Forty-Four: Pick a Side

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"You're okay?" Avery asks.


"You feel fine," She says as her hand presses against my forehead.

Avery continues inspecting me for bruises or marks of any kind and I can't help but laugh at her gesture.

"You seem different," she continues when she finds nothing worth noting.


"Yes, relaxed? Maybe even happy?"

My thoughts skip around her words; happy and relaxed. Words so unfamiliar to me for years but could I really be happy? The warm tingles running through me, the quiet, slowed-down thoughts in my head, the guilt within me bubbling down to a simmer, these things might agree. My new-found inner composure so alien yet welcomed by me in every way. Is it contentment? Peace? Bliss? It doesn't matter though, not to me, all I want is to savour it whilst it lasts.

"Where is Mark?" Avery exclaims as she leans backwards on to her bed.

"He'll be here soon."

It's been an hour since he went to pick up the chicken nuggets, doesn't he know not to make a pregnant lady wait? Especially Avery. Her face barely visible from the bump in front of her, I'm sure if she gets any bigger, she will explode.

"Does he want the baby to die of starvation?"


"He's here!" Avery interrupts me much to my relief, any response to that question would have been a death trap.

Moments later, Mark appears magically with the food and Avery is on her feet running to the bags.

"You got the custard too?" Avery says rummaging through the bags,

I should have known it wouldn't just be chicken nuggets. She drags the bags to me, offering me the contents. Shaking my head, I push it back to her. Even if I was hungry, I'm pretty sure I would opt to pass on this one.

"I should get going," I say, feeling I've overstayed my welcome.

"You don't have to go," Avery says between bites.

"I think Kaelynn has better things to do than watch you eat," Mark teases.

Avery rolls her eyes at him, "Fine, but don't go far."

Nodding, I wonder where I could even go. This is home and with all my family here, I couldn't imagine ever leaving especially when my Godchild will be arriving imminently. The constructed beige cot across the room and the painted accent wall of koala's as ready as me, the only delay now is waiting for the baby to join us.

"Ayden is in the office," Mark says, a cheesy grin across his face.

I must be completely transparent, seeing Ayden is the only thing I've wanted to do since this morning. That was almost twelve hours ago, how I have survived this long without seeing his cheeky smirk or those swirling eyes is a mystery. How he manages to stay away from me, now that's another unsolved phenomenon.

It doesn't take long to reach Ayden's office, his scent engulfing the air around me as I find him. On entering the room, Ayden gives me his signature grin and stashes away his paperwork.

"Back for another make-out session?"

I move closer to him, taking the seat opposite him across the pristine desk. His blasé question gets no response from me.

"Would it help if I took off my shirt?"

"No," I rush to say.

Yesterdays events in the garage were enchanting, anything with Ayden has that effect, but the dutch courage from that moment has now completely evaporated into thin air. The thought of repeating those actions leaves my palms sweaty, yet I can't help but think about his soft, plump lips gently pressing against mine or the way his hard abs felt against my fingers.

It would definitely help if he had no clothes on.

"I heard that."

I stare right into Ayden's eyes, mortified, "Get out of my head!"

"Hmm, I kinda like it in there."

"Fine stay, but you'll be sleeping alone ton-."

"I'm out," Ayden raises his hands in defeat.

It's too late though, the embarrassing moment has already passed. I cover my face with my hands hoping the ground will swallow me whole.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about, all mates have these thoughts."

"Even you?" I muffle through my palms.

"Especially me."

Separating my fingers slightly, I'm met with Ayden's soft eyes twinkling at me. Eyes holding nothing but sincerity and so I drop my hands completely, feeling safety in his gaze.

"Come closer."

As if his words are an encantation, I obey, walking around the desk and getting as close as is humanely possible without our skins touching. His arms tap on his lap and as if by instinct, I find myself taking a seat, legs hanging down one side and arms around his neck for support. Muscular thighs rub against my legs igniting the all-familiar sparks and before long our lips crash together creating pure euphoria. Every molecule within me rejuvenating as the moment of utter bliss continues.

Ayden's lips break away to trial kisses along my jaw and down my neck, my panting breath heavier as somehow the moment delves into deeper ecstasy. My hold on Ayden tightens as he reaches a spot on my lower neck sending currents to every cell within me. His kisses get rougher and sharp canines brush against my nape. Elongating my neck, I wait for the bewitching moment that will bound us together forever. The kisses suddenly stop and Ayden's face backs away, my skin feeling bare without his touch.

"I should stop," Ayden heaves out.

"Why?" A tinge of disappointment hits me as Luanna internally whines.

"If I mark you, you'll have picked your side in the war. They'll be no going back."

Picking between him and Mom, that's what he means, isn't it? I couldn't imagine going a second without Ayden and his touch. His every look extinguishes the unrest within me and life without him would be quite frankly, grim.

Picking a side, that was done long ago deep down. I may not have ever admitted it but it was clear as day the second I stayed behind that day on the barren lands. I look down on his mark and I can't help but run my fingers along it, the raised marks as beautiful as ever. Ayden lets out a shudder as my fingers continue tracing it.

"I want you," I whisper out.

"I don't have to mark you for that," Ayden smirks as his arms encircle around my waist.

"I want you to mark me."

Eyes wide, Ayden asks, "You want me to mark you?"

"More than anything."

His dilated pupils come into view before he leans down to the crook of my neck. I close my eyes as Ayden pecks kisses and licks in-between canine grazes, the passion of our previous moment returning. The initial sharp piercing through the skin makes me whimper but within seconds the feeling turns to ecstasy. Sparks multiplying by the thousands and raging fires burning under my skin, followed by my body floating on puffy clouds.

Before long, I find myself wrapped in silky sheets, my mates warmth disappearing. My eyes finally open to see the most beautiful man alive standing beside the bed.



"I love you."

Ayden leaves a peck across my forehead as he lays me into bed, his warmth following seconds later and my eyes abandon any resolve to stay open. The next words leave me wanting to remain in this perfect moment forever.

"I love you too, Chléb."

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