Chapter Six: A Blast from the Past

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I haven't seen Ayden since yesterday. My thoughts keep wandering to him. I can't help it; all I think about is those deep grey eyes. It doesn't help that I am surrounded by his family, who have the same grey eyes. Although Ayden's are more piercing and alluring.

Last night, I saw some figures in the garden before falling asleep. It was dark but I could just about make our Ayden and Mark with another person. The third person looked like they were cuffed, which got me wondering whether they caught the culprit.

I didn't want to disturb Ayden yesterday after all the stress he had from his Father almost dying but maybe tonight I could get some answers. I think again and realise it's none of my business, I should just get to sleep.

It's been an hour and sleep is eluding me. There's too much going through my head, mostly Ayden. My body craves his touch. My mind craves his voice. I sigh as I get out of bed. Arriving to Ayden's room, I look to the clock and see it's late. He must be asleep.

"Come in, Kaelynn." I unexpectedly hear Ayden's voice and face palm myself. I had forgotten that he can smell me.

I walk in, slowly shutting the door behind me so we don't wake anyone. Ayden turns on the lights, sits up and calls me to sit next to him, which I do.

Why is it so hard to disobey my mate?

He looks completely exhausted, yet there was still something seductive about him.

"Sorry, did I wake you up?" I ask hoping his exhaustion isn't because of me.

"It's okay, I was tossing and turning for a while. What brings you here?"

I contemplate for a while. There's so much I want to ask, but I wonder how much I can ask without raising suspicion to myself.

"Maybe you are here because you miss me?" Ayden asks teasingly. I am taken aback by his directness and move a few inches away from him which sends him into laughter. I don't know how to respond because he is partly right. He moves closer to me before continuing.

"I'm only kidding. I know why you are here and I will tell you everything."

This makes me nervous. Maybe he has found out who I am, that I am a rogue that he needs to punish. I stay quiet knowing it is better to let him talk without interrupting.

"Finn called and confirmed everything you said was correct. We also found the culprit. She is being given a suitable punishment as we speak. Thank you for your help."

I sigh feeling comforted that Ayden doesn't know the truth, and I am relieved that the culprit has been found. I hope Zed will be safe now.

"I'm glad I could help; it is my job after all." I say with a smile to Ayden.

As I begin to leave, Ayden grabs my arm and says, "stay for a while, keep me company."

I nod and sit back down; all feelings of control disappear when it comes to Ayden. I know I should go, there's too much at stake with my past but the mate pull is too strong. We sit in silence for a while. It feels peaceful.

"Do you believe in mates, Kaelynn?"

As Ayden asks me this, I almost fall of the bed. I thought I had got away with saying mates at the picnic but clearly not. He must know everything by now, what am I going to do? My breathing starts getting rapid but I pull myself together. I can still curve suspicion, I just need to be careful with my words.

"I guess so, everyone has a soulmate. Don't you think so?"

"Yes, have you found yours?"

How can I answer that without lying? I think for a moment then respond.

"Maybe, your soulmate could be right here but you don't know yet."

I look to Ayden and he seems satisfied with my answer so I get up, hoping to escape before he catches me out.

"We should get to sleep," I say as I am at the door.

"Sure, you're welcome to sleep here with me for the night." Ayden winks at me as he says this. I smile and walk out before running to my room. That was a disaster, what was I thinking going to Ayden's room.


The next morning, I go downstairs for breakfast with Avery. She plonks herself next to Mark and I see two empty seats. I immediately go to the one that is not furthest from Ayden. His face sinks which sends a sharp pain through me.

As I settle down, I look to my left and notice an unknown man beside me. Who could this be? There's something familiar about him but I can't place my thoughts on what. I continue observing him hoping it jogs my memory.

My thoughts are interrupted by a cough. As I turn my head, I see Ayden looking at us with fury. He must be really hurt about me not sitting next to him.

"Avery, Kaelynn. This is Caleb. He is going to be our guest for a few days." Zed finally manages to say.

The name sounds familiar. Maybe I'm thinking too much into this, I shrug off my thoughts and get on with breakfast.

"We will be training in the garden for the next few days. Our men have already arrived so let's meet outside," Mark says to Caleb before the men all leave.

Avery goes back up to bed, pregnancy has got her feeling sleepy. As much as I love Avery, I was happy to have some time alone. The last few days have been so intense, I need some time to unwind.

I walk outside and settle deep into the forest. Peaceful, that's how it feels. I inhale the scent of pine trees then lay down looking at the sky. I see remnants of the clear sky but the trees cover most of my view. I must have been laying there for hours before I heard rustling.

Crap, was it really a good idea to go to the forest alone?

"Hey Kaelynn, what are you doing here?"

Thank god, it's just Caleb.

"I was just getting some peace, are you lost?"

"Not exactly, I was hoping to find you actually."

Does he know who I am?

Fear runs through me. My breathing gets ragged and my fight instincts are about to kick in but Caleb interrupts me.

"Kaelynn, I know it's you."

I look at him confused. He doesn't look like he will hurt me. He looks concerned, surprised and somehow ecstatic. I don't know how to respond so I stay quiet assessing the situation.

"You don't recognise me? I'm Edon's son, Caleb. We practically grew up together."

I look at him again, studying his features. This couldn't be Caleb. Caleb wasn't this tall; he was a little chubby boy who could barely string two sentences together. I look into his eyes; his deep blue eyes. There's no mistaking it, it is Caleb.

"Caleb!!" I squeal wrapping my arms around him intensely. Tears began rolling down my face, I thought I would never see him again. We spent 11 years practically inseparable. We were both heirs to our packs so we played together and trained together.

"We heard rumours you were here but I didn't believe it until I saw you this morning," he says with a smile.

I wonder how rumours are spreading about me, I was always so careful to cover my tracks. But more important that that, I need to make sure nobody else finds out.

"You can't tell anyone, please. You know what fate rogues have."

"You have my word; nobody will find out from me.

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