Chapter Twenty-Nine: Chocolate & Broccoli is a Normal Combination

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"Gross!" Hannah squeals as she makes belching faces at Avery, "do you have to eat that in front of us?"

"This is what the baby wants and I'll have you know it's perfectly normal," Avery responds, dipping her broccoli into melted chocolate.

"Whatever," Hannah says as she nudges me closer to Avery to block out the 'gruesome' sight as she calls it.

Avery now pouting, murmuring to reassure herself. I offer my hand running soothing circles on her leg which earns a slight smile from her. As Hannah wrestles with the TV system trying to get the movie running, Avery stays silent, most likely her act of petty vengeance which gets her returning to eating nonchalantly.

Kiara and Mavis come in shortly wrapping their arms around me before they plump themselves down on the cushions next to us.

"I told you everyone missed you," Avery says still ignoring Hannah's unsuccessful attempts.

"I guess you were right."

"Of course, I'm always right! Did you call Caleb back by the way? He has been harassing me with phone calls ever since you disappeared."

"Yes, I just spoke to him an hour ago. Sorry, he just worries too much."

"I know, we all do," she squeezes my hand with her sticky fingers and offers me a gentle smile.

Hannah now losing her patience, throws the remote across the room. Her ragged breaths and redder than a tomato face setting Avery off in fits.

"If you needed help, you should've just said so," Avery says still laughing, feeling satisfied that karma is on her side.

With that, Avery crawls over to the remote and begins setting up the movie, earning some glares from Hannah who seats herself further away from Avery. If I didn't know any better, I'd say we've got a sibling war on our hands.

Amongst the exchanges of frowns and grins, I sneak out the movie room walking over to the kitchen around the corner, fully aware of the residue Avery so cluelessly left on my fingers. The stainless-steel sink at the far end calls my name and the warm soapy water washes away the gooeyness. My eyes trace my hands from the fingers to the palms and I pat them dry with the gingham towel.

"Oh, you're here?"

I turn around to see Ayden standing by the fridge, yoghurt in hand. His calloused fingers gripping the stainless spoon that he lifts to his lips, licking the strawberry speckles off the spoon straight after. My lips moistening as I watch him.

"Come to the office before dinner, there's something we need to discuss."

Continuing with my earlier silence, I nod as my words slip back down my throat. My eyes glued to the sight in front of me, finding it impossible to look away. I grip on to the counter behind me in an attempt to steady my rising heartbeat.

"Am I free to go now or do you want to glare at me a little longer?"

Not waiting for an answer, he walks over to me, stopping inches in front of me. Our eyes connecting, his lips in reaching distance; only intensifying my heavy breaths. His arms swing behind me, brushing past my clutched fingers and igniting sparks in my fingertips.

I move forward involuntarily, closing the gap between us. Ayden raises his mouth, grinning as he takes a step back before walking out the kitchen empty handed leaving me burning up. My shaking hands reach for the tap, waiting for the water to turn cold before splashing it across my face.

When I return to the girls, the icy atmosphere almost gives me chills. Avery and Hannah still exchanging death stares and fake smiles, they didn't even notice I had left. Sitting myself next to Avery, I turn on the movie eager for the ambience to change and it does. I wouldn't expect anything less from The Notebook, that movie can have anyone bonding.

Only, as much as I try to watch the movie, Ayden's words stick to my mind like the stickiest of treacle's. His words convincing me that this will be a repeat of my last interrogation. My fingers tap away on my knees, with my thoughts in overdrive about what he wants this time.

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