Chapter Two: Mate

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Three Years Later


This is Mark's house. No, no, please no!

I look to my left at Doctor Finn, please tell me he is not the family doctor for Mark's family. I thought pretending to be human would keep me away from werewolves, but it seems I did not account for normal pregnancies. Although they are rare, werewolves can have a normal human pregnancy if the baby is conceived close to a woman's menses.

What if my mate is here like last time?

We exit the vehicle and I wonder how I can get out of this. Before I can make an excuse, Doctor Finn is already at their door yelling at me to bring the ultrasound machine inside. Bracing myself, I drag the machine into the living room and Doctor Finn introduces me.

"This is my new recruit, Kaelynn. She will be working closely with me during this pregnancy, so you will be seeing a lot more of her."

How am I going to avoid my mate if I have to keep returning here!

Looking around I can't see my mate around so I let out a relieved sigh. I can't smell him around either much to my delight. Luck is on my side; we can get this ultrasound done quickly and leave without being detected.


I turn around and see Avery to my surprise, who runs up to hug me.

"I haven't heard from you in years, I can't believe you're here!"

I can hear the excitement in Avery's voice. Leaving her behind has been so hard on me. Avery was always more like a sister to me than a friend.

She tells me everything she has been up to and I listen eagerly. I'd always wondered how her life was turning out. A year after I left, she met her mate, Mark! I should have seen that one coming, thinking about it now they always had so much chemistry and just bounced off each other.

"If you're done gossiping, let's get this ultrasound setup." Doctor Finn reminds me we are here for a job. He is right, I need to get out of here as soon as possible! I rush to set up the machine and to my surprise, Avery sits down next to it.

"Don't tell me you are pregnant?" I shrieked.

"Hold up, we are pregnant." Mark corrects me as he held Avery's hand.

"Hey, remember that night at Mark's party we got totally hammered!" Avery says giggling away. I remember it all too well, the traumatic next day too. I wonder how things could have been different if we had never gone to the party but seeing Avery so happy over the memory quashed that thought.

"Excuse me a minute," Mark suddenly says as he takes his phone out. "Don't start the scan without me!"

"Hurry back!" Avery shouts throwing a pillow in his direction. That playful mischievousness between them hasalways been so enjoyable to watch and so I let out a fit of giggles.


After the scan, I am so relieved that we'd be able to make it out of here undetected by my mate.

"Stay for dinner, please?" Avery pleads whilst I pack upthe equipment. The risk of staying here is too great, I should decline.

"Hey, come on. Ayden and Brandos won't be back tonight so we have spare seats," Mark said.

One of them could be my mate. I can manage one dinner, surely.

"Sure, I guess I could. I will just pack our things up."

At the table, we sit with Mark's dad, Zed, which brings a wave of sadness through me. I think back to my father and how much I miss him. Things would be so different if I had never shifted. I want to turn back time to stop myself from making the biggest mistake of my life.

Avery could see me disconnecting so she nudged me, "We are playing drinking games after dinner, please play!" How could I say no to her especially as my mate isn't here, nothing could go wrong this time, right?


Argh! Drinking never ends well for me but I let Avery talk me into it anyway! My head is throbbing so bad, I need to get an aspirin and water into me.

As I open my eyes, an unfamiliar room surrounds me. The walls are painted in a deep brown colour matching the warming tones of the outer walls. Sunlight from the large arched windows brings an unexpected lightness and inviting tone to the room. My body is slumped in a huge queen bed, which does not detract from the spaciousness of the room.

Where am I?

Suddenly panic sets in. I don't recognise anything. I notice a smell in the air; apple pie and cinnamon. I pulled the velvety blanket up to my nose; the blanket is covered in the scent. My wolf was waking up inside me, it's our mate. This must be his room.

How did I get here?

Running to my purse across the room, I gulp downtwo suppressants and spray myself to hide my scent. I can't have my wolf taking any more power and I have to get out of here. . In a bid to escape, I start running down the stairs.

As I get to the end of the stairs, the smell gets stronger. He is close, I'm going to have to be careful if I want to escape. I tiptoe towards the front door and reach out for a door when a figure blocks the door.

"Where do you think you're going?"

For a moment I am stunned; my mate is standing right in front of me. My sight gets stuck on his features; his intense grey eyes and dark lips with a slight tan on his skin that rounded him off perfectly.

Snap out of it and act natural.

I need to hide my wolf and for that, I need to watch what I say. Thinking back, I went to a school full of werewolves and nobody suspected me. Avery didn't even suspect me until I told her a year into a friendship. I breathe deeply whilst thinking of an excuse.

"Kaelynn, I see you've met Ayden. You bunked in his room last night! Come and join us for breakfast, please!" Avery interrupts my thoughts and drags me to the table. I don't have time to react and before I know it, I am at the table eating with Ayden sat next to me.

So, my mate's name is Ayden. I like it, it has a sexy sort of feel to it. Shit, stop thinking about him like that. I shake myself out of it and reach out for my glass of water but my hand accidentally touches Ayden's.

I feel sparks going through my entire body. I move my hand handaway, glancing at Ayden and I can see that he felt the sparks too. I feel my wolf going crazy. She wants to break out, leap onto our mate and cover him in kisses but I am stronger than her so I ignore her.

Why aren't the suppressants working anymore?

I already know the answer, our mate's presence is making my wolf stronger. I don't want anyone to get hurt again so I need to get out of here.

"Where is Doctor Finn?" I ask Avery.

This is going to be my chance to get out of here. Avery looks at me grinning. This isn't good. Avery grinning is always bad news.

"Erm, well, the thing is..."

"Avery, what have you done?!"

"Doctor Finn left last night, you were super drunk and he had to get to another patient. I told him you could stay here and he can come back for you in a week." I look at her shocked, how could she do this.

I storm off outside, I can make my own way home. I don't need Doctor Finn. Thinking back to our journey here, I recalled how there was nothing but woods for miles. You couldn't get out of here without a car. My eyes scan the perimeter but I see no cars.

How am I going to get out of here?

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