Chapter Thirty-Nine: The Marking

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Shift. Shift. Shift.

Staring out into the open forest, I command myself over and over but my naked body shows no signs of obeying. It's true that I have never shifted on command before but I wasn't expecting it to be this difficult.

"Are you having some trouble?" Ayden's entrancing voice chimes in.

"I'm fine," I quickly say back, I can work this out myself, can't I?

"Close your eyes," Ayden ignores my answer.

Not fancying my chances of trying to shift alone, I shut my eyes.

"It's autumn, the fields are full of short bristly grass. Orange and brown leaves across the ground, the breeze gently swaying the tall trees surrounding you. Your wolf steps to the ground, paws rustling at the leaves and the grass feeling fresh against fur. The large expanse, all there just to run. You start walking slowly then briskly, before you know it, you're running-"

Ayden's voice trails off and I open my eyes a few moments later to see why. The world looking different as I do, trees looking unusually tall, my eyes feeling sharper. In front of me a wolf, rich-brown in colour, fur sleek and silky. Yellow eyes signifying power and danger, but beyond that, I see so much more; A wolf who uses his strength to protect and aid his people. A wolf that is mine.

He inches closer to me and Luanna whispers his name, Errol. A warrior and prince, fate gave him a fitting name. His fur inches close enough to barely touch me before he sprints off towards the border. The teasing touch leaves me irritated and I rush after my mate. My feet at one with the ground and the pure air, fresher than ever, nibbling at my fur as I try to catch Errol. The surroundings feeling dreamlike, out of a fairy-tale if I didn't know any better.

Errol stops at the river, the only one in the pack. The same one that Caleb threw me into but he got what he deserved in the end, we made sure of that. My eyes fix on his as I edge closer to my striking mate, his wolf as attractive as his usual self. His hard features still visible through the fur. A smirk builds on his face as I get closer but that doesn't stop me from wanting to be near him.

Drops of cool liquid drizzle down my fur, that and Errol's wet paw give him away. I let out a growl and dig my paws into the turquoise stream attempting to return the favour, liquid rushes towards Errol drenching him. Slightly more than I intended but he deserved that. He shakes his soaking fur, splattering more drops on me. As he continues to dry himself, I sneak back to the trees. Luanna intent on presenting our mate with a gift, a gift that shows an Alpha's ability to provide and care. A bit old fashioned if you ask me.

With feline-like stealth, I crawl through the forest, searching out my target. A few silent steps and I see the creature, a magnificent one. Grazing around the trees and eating at leaves, my prey remains oblivious of my presence. I continue closer, the trees as my shields from sight until I'm inches away. In a single movement, my paws swipe at the animal puncturing its neck, blood dripping out until movement seizes.

Gripping the fur with my razor teeth, I drag the creature back to my mate. Errol lying on the river bed, completely dry, when I return. His ears perk up as I spot him and he rushes to his feet, his eyes locked on me. I drop my offering at his feet, nudging it closer until he feeds. His teeth gnaw at the meat devouring every inch, occasionally offering me large bites.

As Errol finishes feasting, my jet-black reflection in the water catches my eye. I look just like Father, the colour, the orange eyes, the size! The size looking distorted, I stand closer to Ayden, now realising my eyes look down to meet his large wolf. The proximity runs pleasing emotions through my veins, but still feeling too far with my veins demanding more of the feeling.

I move closer, the feeling a drug that I would happily stay addicted to forever. Our furs touch and explosions follow, Errol feels it too judging by his sudden licks across my face. The slobber he leaves on me, the sweetest of nectars. I respond with my own licks, travelling from his cheek to his neck. Right there, Errol lets out a series of howls as I continue licking. His howls signifying his acceptance of me. My teeth graze across his neck between licks and in the moment, the sharp teeth pierce through his skin, sinking in. Droplets of blood fall amongst Errol's heightened howls and I finally let go, licking the remaining blood off my mate.

Taking a step back, I admire my handywork as Errol lies against a rock. Heavy breaths and eyes closed. The gravity of what I just did takes a moment to sink in and as it does, my paws automatically step back. I just marked him. I actually marked my mate, just like that. Out of nowhere, I just did it. I don't even know if this is what he wanted. My thoughts continue in overdrive as instant regret engulfs me.

Escaping the situation, I run back to the tree for my clothes. Hands trembling as I shift back and get dressed, unsure of how to fix my mess once again. As I turn around, I see a half-dressed Ayden, who made it here unusually fast in his condition.

"Kaelynn, stop overthinking," Ayden says buttoning up his shirt.

Stop overthinking! I just marked him and he comes out with that.

"The whole pack can hear you; you're making them panic."

Ayden now beside me, raises my hand and grips it. My thoughts dissipating in that moment. He continues by placing pecks along my fingers until my mind is blank, like thoughts never existed.

"You need to create a wall in your mind to block your thoughts from everyone else."

I furrow my eyebrows at him, not understanding how I can just park up a wall in my mind. Is that even normal?

"You imagine it," He continues.

Shutting my eyes like earlier, I imagine a vast red-brick wall. So high that the end isn't visible, cement extra thick to keep out even the smallest of matter.

"That's done it."

Ayden's confirmation is enough to open my eyes back. He leads us back to the house, fingers intertwined, pack members observing us as we walk. 

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