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What is going on?

How did this even happen?

Piercing screams surround me, almost deafening my ears. Limp, lifeless bodies are scattered across the concrete floors. My eyes scan the perimeter; our once pristine, green gardens are now dull and torn apart.

The bleak, morbid scene makes my blood boil. I need to help; I can't just sit here whilst my people are dying. Using all my might I try to stand but it's futile; I collapse back to the ground as lethargy consumes me.

I raise my hands to cover my face in defeat. That's when I notice it, all over me. Scarlet marks. I was covered. Covered in blood. My anger and despair instantly turn to fear and confusion.

Why don't I remember anything?

As I gather my thoughts, my eye catches a familiar figure. Frantically crawling towards it, I hope and pray that it isn't who I think it is.

This can't be!

I reach down to feel his pulse, his heart, his breath, anything. There is no pulse, no heartbeat, no air. Father can't be dead. He just can't be.

Desperately, my hands begin pushing down on his chest, but my actions are powerless. My stomach starts knotting up and I feel myself getting ready to heave at the thought of Father dying.

This can't be happening; this can't be real. He can't be gone.

"Kaelynn, you have to get out here," I hear my mother's voice.

I don't want to leave Father; I want to bring him back.

Mother grabs my arm and starts running pulling me along with her. Looking back, I see people gathering around Father and hope someone can still save him. Soon we are far out of sight from the bloodied scene. Mother is leading me to the Kingdom borders.

But why?

"Mother, stop. What's going on? Please tell me," I plead completely out of breath knowing I can't continue. I collapse onto the ground as my body gives up on me.

"Darling, you don't remember do you?"

"No Mom, please tell me," I pray that this somehow isn't my fault, but I know it is. I shifted for the first time tonight and I don't recall a thing. I close my eyes, frightened of hearing Mother's answer.

"You attacked the pack, even your father, I tried to stop you. It just happened so fast."

Tears begin rolling uncontrollably down my face. I can't believe what a monster I am. Emotions are overwhelming me; I'm upset, angry but most of all devastated.

"Kaelynn listen to me. I know you didn't mean this, but you are going to have to run now. Your father was the Alpha King of our kingdom, you will be killed if you stay here."

"But I need to hand myself in. I killed Father." I know it is the right thing to do. I'm astonished that Mother would even suggest running away.

"Your father wouldn't want that for you. I will handle everything here. You need to run away and never return."

My emotions are all over the place. I don't know what the right thing to do is anymore so I agree. And so, my lifetime of running begins. 

Scarlet Rogue (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now