Chapter Fifty: Facing the Tunnels

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The pit of my stomach does somersaults as the juicy apple sits in front of me. Ayden even cut it into slices today to encourage me, removing the seeds too. I move the plate further away from me convinced I'd throw up the contents of my stomach if I ate anything. Ayden moves it back to me, his eyes staring into mine and he moves a piece to my mouth. I reluctantly open and take a bite, his gaze softening as I do.

It took me all morning convince him that me going to the tunnels was still a good idea. For some reason, Ayden woke up today dead-set on changing our plans entirely. Our well-formed battle plans that have been scrutinised to the nth degree, the only plans that have any chance of success. I barely managed to convince him so eating this plate of apples is perhaps the best thing to do. I gobble up the chunks of apple before I come to my senses and backout.

The knots and ties in my stomach tightening as the contents makes its way down. This was a bad idea. I take in deep breathes hoping the cool draft of the front door eases the churning.

"Baden is here," Kiba says, entering the kitchen.

He takes a seat opposite me and munches away at a plate of eggs and bacon. How lucky to be able to stuff yourself when we are essentially declaring an all-out war tomorrow. Ayden makes no effort to move, his reluctance from earlier perhaps surfacing and I cannot let that happen. I get up from my seat and walk to the door. As predicted, Ayden does the same, tracing my steps until we reach the clearing outside.

Baden and Caleb stand beside an SUV of some sort, chattering about a reality show, at least that's what it sounds like. 'Ben did not deserve that dumping,' 'Jane definitely snaked Lila,' if those don't sound like reality show references then I'm really out of touch with reality. The conversation has me fiddling at my fingers, a few hours with Baden is going to be torturously uncomfortable if our only topic is reality shows that I haven't watched in years.

"You can still back out," Ayden whispers down to my ear before we reach the SUV.

I continue walking and pay no head to his comment, it's rhetorical, right? We have to do this, there's no chickening out, no plan B and no second chances. Now is the moment, the best moment to take back control of our kingdom. The chatter between Baden and Caleb simmers down when we reach their sides, Ayden's hand gripping around me as we do. My eyes roll at the gesture of territory that Ayden is blatantly marking. The boys make some small talk before Baden gets in the car, apparently it needs five minutes to get warm. Not sure why that is necessary for a wolf in spring but crazier things have happened. Caleb continues his small talk oblivious, or ignoring, a very annoyed Alpha beside me.

Ayden let's out a disgruntled huff and what follows leaves me a little more than embarrassed. His hands move to cup my cheeks and before I know it, his lips meet mine. Completely aware of our surroundings, I try to take a step back but as our lips start moving, all control is lost. The magic captures me in and I begin falling down an endless rabbit hole of glee and pure pleasure. When Ayden prematurely pulls away, I almost grab him back but the ruffing of the engine brings me back to reality.

My burning face must be a sight to behold at this moment and facing people, anyone, in this state in my worst nightmare. I should be annoyed, angry, disappointed with Ayden but the odd twinkling inside me and my stomach finally settling tells me it was exactly what I needed. Sometimes, I'm convinced that Ayden is the answer to everything. Every prayer or thought I've had, he's somehow the answer, not even in an intentional way and maybe that's what makes him so darn perfect. Caleb let's out a cough and knocks on Baden's window to wish him luck then he moves closer to me.

"Good luck Kaelynn," He says, sending me a wink before rushing into the pack house.

He does this on purpose, I'm sure of it. Any opportunity to wind Ayden up and he will take it with both arms, legs and torso. That's not all, if there's no opportunity, he sure as hell will invent one. All this effort put into training instead would have him stand an even chance against Ayden but there's no convincing someone to choose training over 'fun.'

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