Chapter Twenty-One: It All Falls Apart

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"Kurt went after her about almost two hours ago."

That's not the answer I want to hear. They are spending far too much time together considering they tolerate each other at best. So early in the morning for a second time, something doesn't quite add up.

Kurt, where is Kaelynn?

She's stationed at the border; we are short on medics today so Finn volunteered her.

I'm overthinking, that's what Kurt would say to me. Just looking for things to go wrong, there's nothing going on; just people doing their jobs. Speaking of which, I dismiss Kiba letting him return to his post guarding the house.

Regardless of Kaelynn, things have changed since the last attack. Tighter security outside the house and more medics at the border are just the tip of the extra defence protocols we've been forced to introduce.

We lost too many lives to continue as we were. Lives of good men taken way before their time; they didn't deserve to die that way. Men who have fought alongside me for the best part of the last decade brutally shot right in front of my eyes, it was heartless.

My hands clench down onto the oak desk, still tattered from my last outbreak. I feel them clenching on tighter as my memories form the horrendous experiences all over again. The Queen will pay for every other life she's responsible for, I won't rest until she does.

Hearing ringing in the background, my hands relax but not before leaving a slight crack on the desk. Seeing the familiar number on the screen, I expect more bad news.

"Edon," I acknowledge picking up the phone.

"There was another attack last night," he says sounding defeated.

"Were there any casualties?"

"Ten dead even with the extra defences we discussed."


"How are the weapons coming along?"

"Working on it, have your men pick up a batch at dawn."

On that note, Edon leaves to engage in damage control trying to keep hopes high whilst lives are lost. I know that feeling all too well. Slamming the phone down in frustration, the crack on my desk enlarges itself forcing it to collapse in two again causing stacks of papers to go flying across the floor.

The desk needed replacing anyway.

More fucking lives lost. This can't continue. Groaning, I walk through the clutter I've created towards the front door, passing Kiba on his post and continuing to the garage. Heading straight for my preferred model, the slick Bugatti, the bay next to me empty; Kurt must have taken the Jeep up to the border to refill supplies. I'd be lost without the guy, he makes my job so much easier.

Driving out the garage, I take the route through the shaded country roads with rows of trees cowering on either side of me through the journey, slowing down within minutes when I reach my destination. A large workshop is hidden away from the rest of the pack, making it impossible for our enemies to reach.

As I enter the building, warriors dressed in protective equipment have formed production lines. Next to me, arrows are being laced with silver and on my far right, bullets are cased in the dangerous substance.

Reaching for a protective suit on the rack, I dress myself and join the assembly line earning some dazed looks. The pack is working to its limit, all hands are needed on deck and that includes me. As I start dipping bullets in silver, double coating to avoid taking chances, the warriors too get back to their tasks.

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