Chapter Twenty-Eight: Recovery

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The pungent smell of lemon in the air travels up my nostrils, memories of all my hospital shifts engulfing my mind. Visions of nurses rushing around with clipboards, cleaners disinfecting surfaces, lives hanging in the balance of life or death and the grieving families. The latter being the worse, knowing there's nothing you can do to make it all better. On the other hand, when you save a life, the joy and contentment incomparable to anything; the only thing that comes close to touching the guilt for my own sins.

As I finish dwelling on my sins, the sharp smell back at the forefront of my mind makes me wonder where I am. Opening my eyes slowly, the bright lights immediately cause me to squint my eyes shut, shooting a pain to my head. Letting out a groan from the pain, I try to sit up unsuccessfully, the pain in my head only intensifying when I move causing me to cease any movement.

"Finn!" I hear a desperate voice, which I could swear is Ayden's voice.

My mind now in overdrive as I figure out where I am. The cells, Imelda, Kurt, Mother, it's all coming back.

"K-K-" I try to speak wanting, no needing, to know if everyone is okay.

"Shh, you're too weak to talk right now," Ayden interjects, running a hand gently through my hair causing sparks to fly eradicating all my pain in that moment.

Having no choice but to obey in my state, my heart starts pounding worrying about the state of all my comrades. Finding myself now barely catching a breath, a continuous beeping sound fills my ears blocking everything else out. A cold hand raises my head up, slowly lowering it again seconds later when I feel something digging into my face.

What feels like hours later, my breathing steadies and the pronounced beep from earlier now a gentle toot barely registering itself. Raising my hand, I slowly reach for the band around my face loosening the plastic helping me breathe. Collapsing my arm back down, the needle poking at my upper arm slightly stinging me; a sure sign I've been here longer than I think.

A presence towers over me through all of this, the scent and electric energy giving him away. Needing to finish my earlier conversation, my hands grip the cold railings trying to steady myself up, much easier this time with the medication pumping into me.

Gently opening my eyes fully aware of my injury, noting the bright lights from earlier now dimmed, I manage to keep them open. Ayden standing right next to me, his arms out ready to catch me if I falter. Preparing to talk, I move the nasal mask down watching Ayden's eyes widen.

"Kurt?" The words come out effortlessly, a stark contrast to earlier.

"Eat first," He says, a frown appearing on his face as he lifts a bag from the floor taking out a chicken and stuffing sandwich.

I take the sandwich into my hands, holding it still as I start intently at it.

"He's fine," Ayden replies, seeing me make little progress.

"All the prisoners?"

"They are all fine."


"Mom's fine, everyone is."

"Mom?" I ask, my head tilting wondering if his words slipped up.

"Imelda is my Mom."

Silence follows between us as I start eating the sandwich, now pondering his words. My eyes catching his features, still unable to accept that a man could look as perfect as Ayden. He inherited the best parts from both his parents, his dark lips from Imelda. The resemblance now obvious when the facts have been presented but a layman would be none the wiser.

On finishing my sandwich, we hear a knock on the door. Ayden walks over to open the door, exiting the room before the guests enter.

"Kurt! Avery!" I begin squealing as they all enter.

"Calm your horses, you've only just woken up," Kurt says grinning.

His fully recovered state earning a smile from me. Seeing them all here, no dirt or bruises included, only makes my smile wider.

"You're a little too happy to be in a hospital, aren't you?" Avery teases.

Laughing at her comment, I grab her warm delicate hand before saying, "Just happy to see you all, especially my Godchild."

"You need to get one of your own," she says winking at me.

Letting go of her hand abruptly at the comment, I fold my arms instead giving her my glare of disapproval. Kurt's face looking rather amused at the situation; remind me why I was ever worried about this guy.

Avery unaware of my irritation continues with gossip about our new 'provisional' pack mates, Kurt joining in every now and then with a comment. Having learnt that Leah ate an extra slice of cake last night or that Pedro shaved Nate's hair in his sleep only to play possum, I feel fully versed in every detail of the new members.

"How did all of this happen in a matter of a night?" I ask.

"Kaelynn, you've been out for three days," Kurt says, his eyes not meeting mine.

Three whole days?!

"Anyway, you've almost recovered!" Avery says with a cheshire grin, "Everyone's been asking about you, wait until they hear you are awake."

Shooting Avery a small smile, I twiddle my fingers wondering who would ask about me. Me, the person ultimately responsible for the torture chambers, under Father's rule those cells would have had no chance of ever existing. 

Avery and Kurt go quiet for a few minutes leaving me wondering if they are being too polite to excuse themselves, which seems very unlike them. Avery shrieking puts that thought to bed as the sudden sound has my derriere jumping back.

"Ayden's bringing you home tonight!"

Adjusting my position back to normal, I don't get a chance to respond as Avery drags Kurt with her as she skips her way out the room. Within minutes, Ayden is back in the room freeing me from the equipment before he kneels down to scoop me up in his arms.

Squirming in his arms, I state, "I can walk."

He raises his eyebrows not bothering to respond as if my words are too outlandish. Rolling my eyes, I stop moving accepting Ayden's actions. Snuggling closer to his chest, the warmth radiating off him forcing my eyes shut to enjoy the moment.

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