Chapter Thirty: Doubts

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Three sets of eyes stare down at me. I can ignore the pair to my sides but the final pair, right in front of me, the most mesmerising of greys, a shade I could find myself lost in. A shade so powerful, so beautiful that looking away feels like a sin.

"Relax, it's not an interrogation," Ayden says, catching me staring into his eyes.

What he mistaken for nerves is my infatuation but I won't admit that.

The room a stark difference to my last visit. The interrogation-like setup now substituted for a casual layout. Kurt lying down on the sofa, his dark eyes intensifying under the shadow of the bookcase beside him. The ambience feeling loose and maybe even slack, mirroring Edon's pack, almost like they are letting their guards down. That would be a mistake, a grave mistake. Ayden wouldn't be so careless but the atmosphere says different.

"Tell us again what happened that night?"

Ayden's words have Kurt rush to his feet edging closer to take the seat next to Imelda beside the desk. I lean back into my chair as my surroundings start feeling their usual tension. Isn't it crazy how tension has become so normal that without it, I feel more tense?

"You know which night, right?" Kurt asks.

"Of course, she does," Ayden glares at Kurt.

He's right, that night is the bane of my life. It consumes my every waking moment, dictates my entire life and reminds me of the monster I am. It's a night that I would never forget, not now, not ever.

"You already know," I mumble out. I barely got the words out the first time, expecting me to do it again would be just cruel.

Ayden sighs as he digs his fingers into his hair, "Just do it, please."

His eyes now widening, almost pleading me. Taking a deep breath in, I prepare to relive the memory once again.

"I shifted and I killed him," I say, rushing the words out. Feeling the pain in my heart as I let out each word.

Ayden stares back at me, his expression stoic, his gaze focused on me. He gently opens his lips and says, "What does that even mean, Kaelynn?"

Tilting my head slightly, I stare back at him, not sure what he wants me to say.

"What I mean is, how did you kill him?"

"My wolf, she must have bludgeoned him," I say barely whispering.

"And why-"

"Just get to the point already," Kurt interrupts.

"What point?" I ask the room, only to be met with silent faces who can no longer meet my eye.

"What point?" I repeat this time glaring at Kurt, the easiest target.

He looks to Ayden then back at me, now intent on saying no more. Getting up from my chair, I take a few steps towards Kurt, looking him deep in the eyes, waiting for him to break.

"Kaelynn, sit back down," Ayden says, a measly attempt to save Kurt from breaking.

"You didn't kill him, okay?"

Those were the last words I expected to hear from Kurt, or just about anyone. What is his game here? Are they trying to destroy my guilt so I can help them fight the Queen? They should know that would never work. This is all a ploy; it has to be.

"We didn't want you to find out this this," Imelda pipes in.

She's in on it too? They are unbelievable. A laugh escapes my mouth, quicker than I can think. The ridiculousness of the situation warrants no other emotion other than laughter.

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