Chapter Thirty-Six: The White Light

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This is the end. The end of everything, for me at least. The end of my line of mistakes, of my lineage, of all the sweet scents of Ayden, of the laughs and sorrows with Avery, of the guilt for killing Father and of destroying the Kingdom. My opportunity to be at peace with the world, to let my body decompose into the goodness of the earth and float around as matter.

Clenching my firsts to hold in the continuous sharp chest pains, my body fills with dread and misery. Leaving behind everyone I love and worse of all, leaving the Kingdom behind in the wretched state that I allowed it to get into. With the fight in me destroyed, there is no choice but to accept my demise. To allow the white light to take me and unite me with Father so I can apologise. Maybe that's selfish to leave behind my mess for that, but would that be so bad?

The white light in front of me shines brighter and brighter, blinding in its entirety but that's the point of it, I suppose. I wait for the light to take me but instead, I'm left to endure extended agony, is this a punishment for the day I killed Father? If it is, I'll take it. Make it last forever if that will take away the guilt.

The white light now dimming slightly to my horror. Not understanding why as the pain only increases. My gaze focused on the white light for fear it may disappear completely as a shadow begins to emerge from it. A large shadow, maybe 6 foot-tall, taking small steps forward coming to collect me. I raise my arms slightly tempting the shadow further before it changes its mind. The shadow ignores my hand and kneels next to me, running a hand through my hair. That touch, it's so familiar. The comfort of the hand sends shivers up my spine, it's him.

The tears stream down my face as I open my mouth, "F-Father?"

He continues his comforting pats through my hair distracting me from the apparent destruction of my body.

"I'm so sorry, so-so sorry, more sorry than you could imagine."

The shadow bends down further, planting a kiss on my forehand. What I make out as his face stares down at me for a while, his features completely hidden. A sigh leaves the grey spirit as he gently stands gets up, the distance between us increasing more than I'd like.

"The truth is not as it seems for you must trust your gut and those who are dearest to you."

Father's cryptic words come unexpected; his voice as sharp as seven years ago. The words roll off his tongue with conviction as they've always done as if his comments could never be wrong. He leaves me little room to think as he begins to walk away. His slow strides no longer pay attention to me as Father walks back towards the now dim light. I can't let him go again, there's too much to say.

"Please Father, come back, Take me with you."

"My sweet Kaelynn, it's not your time. Just know that even after death, I love you more every day."

"I love-"

Before I can finish my sentence, the light and shadow vanish out of sight as if a hallucination. The reality now showing its ugly face as the bright lights change to hues of browns and orange. My hazy eyes just about making out sparks and destruction. The piercing pain once again bringing me back to my current state. My eyes shut tightly to keep the tears in as I try to steady my breaths but fail, drops of liquid run down my face and neck. In light of my surroundings and pain, what's to say what is a hallucination and what is real?

"Let her go!"

I make out a feminine voice, croaky and shaky, trying to sound authoritative unsuccessfully. The complete opposite of Father, here there is a voice that wasn't born to command, rather to be a loyal subject. Yet it is still a saviour I don't need or want, it's only death that I await with open arms but it seems death isn't willing to accept me just yet.

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