Chapter Twelve: Interrogation

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Kaelynn twiddles her thumbs as we take our seats. Kurt set up the room earlier and it looks just like a police interrogation. He clearly wants to scare Kaelynn but she is scared enough without him needing to try.

I sit opposite Kaelynn with Mark and Dad to my side. Finn and Kurt will join us shortly once Kurt gets dismissed from the infirmary. I leave Kurt alone with the pack for one day and he manages to get himself injured.

Kurt and Finn walk in shortly and take a seat. From the corner of my eye, I see Kaelynn look up to Kurt and tense up. She immediately looks away which has my mind going at a million miles an hour. Did something happen between them?

"Kurt, did you actually get beat up by a girl?" Mark says switching my thoughts immediately.

I see Kaelynn mouth rise up to a small smile for some reason but wait a minute, did Mark say someone managed to beat my Beta?

"What's this all about?" I turn to Kurt.

"I was challenged on the field today and lost. The rumours are saying it's a girl but it can't be. A girl can't possibly beat me."

I'll have to have this investigated; I mind link some warriors to come to the house later to sort this out. For now, we have Kaelynn to deal with.

I introduce Kaelynn to everyone for formalities. When I introduce Kurt as my Beta, she looks at me horrified which takes me back to my earlier thoughts.

"Alpha, he can't possible be your Beta if he was beaten by a mere girl."

Mark sniggers at Kaelynn's comment and Kurt looks like he is about to explode. I raise my eyebrows at her and she looks down. She must have realised it's not her place to question my choices. I am the Alpha after all.

"We are here to discuss Kaelynn. Let's stay on topic," I say to the group trying to keep their focus, then continue, "Kaelynn, you confessed to being a murderer. Is this correct?"


"We need the details of what happened."

She bites her lip and hesitates, to which I respond, "think carefully, if you tell us any lies there will be severe consequences."

"I-It was during my first shift," she pauses for a moment trying to keep her emotions in. "I don't remember it well but I was covered in blood and my father was dead along with most of his warriors. My mother, she saw it all and helped me escape."

By now the tears are falling down her face. I know this is hard for her but she should have thought about that before murdering her own father. A part of me wants to comfort her, but the other part of my is furious with her.

"Why did you do it?" Mark intervenes.

"I don't know. I wish I knew," she says almost as a whisper.

What kind of monster murders for no reason? She is not fit to be the Luna; the right thing is to reject her but it's not that simple. The thought brings sharp pains through me and Errol is going crazy but she is too dangerous.

"I think the decision is clear, she needs to go." Kurt says exactly what I am thinking.

Dad looks awfully quiet; I look to him hoping for some wisdom. He is the only one here that will understand the pain of not having your mate around.

"Finn, could you take Kaelynn out while we talk things over?" Dad interjects.

As soon as they leave, Kurt shouts at, "why are we even giving this a second thought?!"

I sigh, "it's not that simple, Edon is far too fond of her to allow our alliance to continue if anything happens to her."

"She's a danger to our pack. We need to get rid of her, just send her to Edon," Kurt continues.

After everything Kaelynn admitted today, I should loathe her but sending her into the arms of Caleb is not sitting well with me.

"Having Kaelynn away from Ayden is going to weaken us. Sending her away or rejecting her needs to be off the table until after the Queen is defeated for the packs sake," Dad finally inserts his wisdom into the conversation.

I ponder over Dad's words and find Errol calming down. For the sake of my wolf, I can delay the decision. What unsettles my mind is why the Moon Goddess chose Kaelynn for me. Why is my pairing a complete disaster? Have I really been that bad of an Alpha to deserve this?

There's a warrior asking for you at the door.

Brandos mind links me and I leave to greet the warriors. If there is anyone stronger than my Beta in the pack, I should have known about it already. We need the best fighters at the border, but more so who on earth could be stronger than Kurt?

"Let's talk in the kitchen," I say as the warriors follow me. Once we arrive, I ask one of my top warriors, "Eric, tell me exactly what happened."

"The fighter dodged every one of Kurt's attacks and with one punch, she knocked him unconscious."

Mark was right, it was a girl. Female werewolves are usually built weaker so this girl has to be very powerful.

"Did you recognise the girl?" I ask

"No, her scent was bizarre. We couldn't place whether she was from our pack."

As we sit there pondering who this mysterious woman could be, Kaelynn walks in with Avery and Kiara to get a snack by the looks of it.

"Alpha, that's the girl," He whispers pointing to Kaelynn.

"Are you sure?"

Eric nods and I am perplexed. I have a million thoughts; why did she challenge Kurt and how on earth did she win? Thanking Eric, I walk him out then return to approach Kaelynn. I see everyone gathered in the lounge.

"Sit down everyone, we have some things to talk about." I address everyone then walk over to Kaelynn. She tenses up as she always does near me. "Kaelynn, do you know who defeated the Beta today?"

She looks up at me startled before saying, "it was me."


"He deserved it; he was talking about how weak women are."

I look to Mark to confirm if her story adds up with the spectators and he nods. Kurt can be sexist at times, but only because he wants to protect the pack. Women are naturally weaker so his approach isn't entirely incorrect.

"There's no way she can remain in this pack now!" Kurt says annoyed.

"Silence," I glare at Kurt until he submits then face Kaelynn. "You are to remain in this pack under constant watch until the war is over. Now that you have attacked the Beta and made your presence known, we have no choice but to introduce you as the Luna in the next few days."

"Alpha, I request you to reconsider and suggest an appropriate punishment," Kaelynn surprises everyone with her comment.

"I am the Alpha; my decision is final." I say sternly.

"With all due respect, if your Beta is no match for me then how do you expect your pack to defend themselves against me?"

I sigh, she has a point. I can't be selfish and keep her around just because my wolf needs her. Maybe sending her to Edon is the only choice.

"Very well, pack your things. I will send word to Edon that you are joining him." I say trying to keep my expression stoic.

Rushing off before anyone can object, I run towards the woods. Errol needs to be let out to calm down. Being away from our mate is going to be hard but the safety of the pack is paramount. 

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