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February 18, 2138

  The clear needle tipped syringe pressed down into her skin, causing the little girl to wince. It was once a month that the small blonde girl had to get blood drawn. She was special, or more so, her blood was special. The little blonde girl spent her days questioning everything her mother made her do. She couldnt retaliate though. The Ark was where she lived, and living in a place like her had people who enforced strict rules on them

It has been 97 years since the nuclear apocalypse killed everyone on earth. Leaving the planet in extreme radiation. There were survivors of course. 12 nations had operational space stations at the time. And now, there is only The Ark. One station forged into many. We're told the earth needs 100 years to be survivable again.

"Mommy, why do I have to do this all the time?" The little blonde spoke in a hushed voice, barely above a whisper.

"Athena, you know it's the rules." Her mother responded, in a soft voice.

The small child was different from everyone else. While everyone on the ark had red blood, she had black blood. The hematologists required a small dosage of her blood each month to study it. They had tried to find a solution to how she was different, or at least if they can make black blood red. Yet they could never find anything wrong. Sure a few things were different but it was never a problem.

"You have black blood, why don't you have to do it?" Athena stuck out her botom lip and whined.

"I used to do this, but then you came out my super huge belly." The mom joked, making the girl frown.

With sorrow, the little girl said, "Maybe I should have never come out."

"Don't say that my little bird. Without you, I'd be so sad," the woman spoke with a gleaming smile. She took the needle out and put a clear cap on the top. Once making sure it had the required amount, she put it away.

With a short beep, the large metal door opened and inside walked a young man in his early twenties. He had medium long hair that was dark brown and wore an all black guards uniform.

The man stepped into the grey walled room, smiling at the two ladies in front of him. He walked up to them in long strides, and when he reached them he bent down and kissed his daughter on the head. The little girl on the strong metal chair smiled and looked up at her dad in adoration.

"Hey baby," Athena's blonde mother said while standing up. She kissed her husband on the lips with a smile, and he smiled back.

Crouching back down, the man opened his palm revealing a golden coin attached to a golden chain. "Look at what I got you." He said rubbing his finger along the edges of the pendant. In the middle of a golden coin was a Phoenix. (If you guys need inspiration for the necklace or you have trouble visualizing, look at the picture all the way at the top.)

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