Chapter 56

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Hello everyone.

Long time no see.

I've decided on a double update.

Your comments would really cheer me up in the midst of this pandemic. It's been hard to write.

Love ya'll, but Jesus loves ya'll more.

Mrs. Morgan's pumps tapped quickly over the suburban pavement.

She'd ditched her luxury car and bought a rusted, Hyundai Sonata off a Buy Here, Pay Here car lot in another state. This was an effort to prolong what she knew was inevitable.

But not yet.

There was still time.

Time to stop Zeke from ruining his life completely.

She clicked down the street of a residential area.

The house was an all-white, large suburban home with the traditional white picket fence surrounding it. The grass was manicured neatly and there was a small flower garden on each side of the steps. The door of the house was red with a polished, brass gold knocker hanging in the middle of it. Mrs. Morgan loosened her hold on her purse, pushed her shoulders back and placed a welcoming smile on her red lips. She'd done what she could with her hair considering she couldn't afford to stop while avoiding being seen. She'd gathered her hair in a low bun, placing the loose tendrils behind her ears. She'd opted out of her usual, formal office attire and wore a casual, sleeveless, floral printed grey dress.

She opened the picket fenced gate and climbed the steps, reached a manicured finger over and pressed the doorbell.

After a few moments a woman with loose, curly natural hair and fair skin opened the front door. Her smile was anxious, and her light-green eyes were excited. Behind her, a man stood, tall, dark and built. His eyebrows lifted slightly with the same anxiousness of the woman.

He reminded her of her own son.

"Hello, wonderful to meet you in person." Mrs. Morgan smiled even wider. "May I come in?"

"I'm so sorry! Sure, sure!" The wife opened the front door wider, allowing Mrs. Morgan in. "This is my husband Maurice."

"Ah, we spoke over the phone." Mrs. Morgan glanced around their vestibule. "What a beautiful home."

"Thank you, thank you." The woman smiled. "Would you like anything to drink? Water? I have some tea on."

"I'll have some tea, thank you."

"Of course." The woman guided Mrs. Morgan into a sitting room that sat right off the entry way. "Cream or sugar?"

"A bit of both, please." Mrs. Morgan settled onto the white sofa centered in the middle of the room.

The woman left the room.

The man, Maurice, sat across from Mrs. Morgan in one of the loveseats. "How was your drive?"

"Long." She smiled. "But worth it. The city here is beautiful."

Maurice nodded. "It's one of the reasons Lauryn and I decided to move here. The city skyline is gorgeous."

"But you chose a house in the suburbs?" Mrs. Morgan crossed her legs.

"The city's too busy to raise a family. We moved into this place a few months ago when we decided to try starting a family."

Lauryn, the woman, came back carrying a tea tray. "I brought a few teas. I'm not sure which flavor you like."

"Black tea is fine." Mrs. Morgan began preparing it. "Your husband was just telling me why you both moved from the city."

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