Chapter 13

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Hey guys! Thanks for coming back to check out what's going on with Symone. Don't be afraid to be vocal and let me know what you think about Alex's random confession and Zeke and Symone's diner conversation. I LOVE to hear you guys talk back to me!

This chapter is dedicated to RicarlaRodgers for leaving me those dope comments on the parts of "Raising Isaiah" that she enjoyed. Seriously girl, you're the BOMB.COM for that! I hope to hear from you soon!

- Buhlack_Queen

Alex had been trying to start idle conversation with me ever since I climbed in his car that afternoon. Just as he planned we stopped by the writing lab and he grabbed the few things he needed. I silently thanked God that Brea wasn't there to make things even more awkward than they already were.

We'd been driving for ten minutes and I had expertly answered his mundane questions with one worded answers.

"So what's at Mitchells?" he asked after another bout of awkward silence.

"I'm just meeting a friend."

"You have friends outside of Jada?" He asked, his voice incredulous. He chuckled, "Every time I see you in school you're either kickin' it with Jada or chillin' by yourself."

"I have friends outside of school Alex." I corrected him. If you count my mom's coworker's kids who I only see at law firm soirees and barely speak to them then.

"Well excuse me." He smiled.

A few more minutes passed us as Alex maneuvered the car through the wintered streets. I watched him let out a heavy sigh before he glanced over at me. "How long are you going to keep this up?"

I drew my eyebrows together in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

"Are we just going to pretend that you're not avoiding me because you saw what happened between Brea and I?"

I looked away from him and settled my eyes on the foggy passenger side window. "What happened between the two of you isn't any of my business. I told you that."

"Then why are you avoiding me?" He questioned.

I crossed my arms. "Well excuse me if I don't know how to particularly handle seeing you basically screw our newspaper editor."

Alex shook his head. "That's just it, I don't get why you're so mad."

"How could you two do that to the team?" I bit out.

Alex was quiet for a minute before he addressed me again. "You mean how could I do it to you?"

Again I drew my eyebrows together. "Me? You and I are friends Alex."

"My point exactly." He nodded. "We're friends and you're pissed at me for doing something with another girl that doesn't directly affect you or, in your words, 'isn't any of your business'."

I shook my head. "No I'm mad at you for betraying the trust of the newspaper team."

"I'll still take pictures, Brea will still head the newspaper, and everyone else will still write articles. This doesn't affect the newspaper. You're the one with the issue and I want to know why."

"Stop trying to psychoanalyze the situation." I threw my hands up in exasperation. "You were screwing Brea, not me."

Alex came to a stop at a red light. "I own what I did with Brea. But check this out, I don't have a girlfriend, I'm single. My actions don't affect anybody but myself yet you're the one upset over it. You don't understand what that says?"

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