Chapter 27

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Hey Kings and Queens.

Here's another double update.

Check out Chapter 28 after this!

Isn't the photo up top so cute?! That's totally Zeke and Isaiah in my head! Lol.

Don't forget to COMMENT<VOTE<FOLLOW me!

I love you all to the moon and back. (Ya'll know this isn't edited. Help ya girl out!)

For those of you  curious about Jeremy's erratic behavior last chapter, in THIS chapter you'll find out why Jeremy is after Symone....maybe it isn't his choice....


"Zeke Morgan."

I glanced up at the sound of my name.

Behind the metal bars stood an officer with a clipboard in his hand. When I didn't respond to my name he called it again. "Zeke Morgan."

I stood. "Yes sir."

The officer gazed at me. "You made bail."."

Moments later he unlocked the metal bars and slid the door aside to let me out. "You're free to go."

I followed the officer out of the holding cell which closed behind me with a loud clang. We started away from the cells filled with other men who had been apprehended for the night. Pretty much every one of them looked spaced out and in deep thought while others were completely sleep.  I paused when someone in my peripheral shifted. Instinctively, I glanced over at Jeremy who sat in another cell regarding me with a look of contempt. His shirt was stretched and droplets of blood surrounded his collar.

I had got him good in the mouth.

I stared him down for a moment then pointed my finger in his direction. "Stay away from me."

"Let's go Mr. Morgan." The officer commanded.

Doing as I was told, I followed the officer out of the holding cell and down a long hallway lit by unflattering, ceiling lights. Though I hadn't been able to tell the time,  my body told me it was well after two in the morning because I was exhausted. I had fought the urge to sleep ever since I had been brought downtown. Partly because no part of me felt comfortable lying around in the disgusting holding cell with people who could possibly be actual criminals I also couldn't tear my mind away from the fact that Symone was hurt, and it was because of me.

Seeing her be rushed out of the mall in the back of an ambulance really tore me up. After Jeremy had collided with her and sent her flying to the floor every ounce of anger I had for Jeremy immediately left my body. I rushed passed him to her side. I shouted for someone to call an ambulance while I gently shook her and called her name over and over again but she didn't respond. Luckily the ambulance arrived in no time but all too soon I was being pulled away from Symone's unconscious body and being hauled off and forced into the back of a police car. Shocked and entirely focused on what was happening with her, it felt like all I'd done was blink and I was inside a holding cell. Even though I had asked them time and time again, no one had given me an update about Symone's condition. Wanting to get out of there as soon as possible I used my only call to contact the absolute last person I wanted to see at the moment.

"Collect your things from that window right there and sign out." The officer told me before walking off.

Within five minutes I had signed release papers and collected my coat, phone, car keys and wallet. It was more than a relief to slip on my coat and walk out into the cold winter air. I stood in the front of the police station for a few moments before walking down the steps and entering into the backseat of the shiny, black Audi which sat right in front of the station. I closed the door behind me and made it a point not to look to the left of me.

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