Chapter 47

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Hey guys, this isn't edited.

Sorry in advance.


The view from the third floor of Aaron's place was what I fixated on for the last hour. I tilted my head back against the daybed on the rooftop patio. It was chilly but the view and the alcohol kept me grounded. Below me the blue pool water glistened under the glow of the moon. My eyes grew heavy under the weight of the alcohol. It felt good to be tipsy. For the first time in a long time my mind was peaceful, almost deadening. It made me want to sleep. My eyes had barely begun to close when I opened them again to find myself no longer alone. Raquel stood in front of me with the night sky surrounding her. I watched her watch me with the same focused gaze she'd given me downstairs.

"You sharing?"

Numbly, I lifted up the half empty bottle.

Raquel took it, tilted it to her lips and drunk some more. It wasn't until she brought the bottle down from her lips did I realize how wobbly she was on her feet. Her long braids were pulled to the left side of her shoulder. The tips of them kissed her waist every time the wind blew.

"I heard you and Amber broke up."

"We did."

Raquel smiled. "I see your unfaithful ways caught up with you."

"Something like that."

"Exactly like that." She brought the bottle back up and drank some more.

When it came back down she handed it to me. I went to grab it from her hand only for her grip to tighten on the bottle. When I tugged she fell forward, falling half on me and half on the patio bed. She burst out into laughter for so long that I ended up chuckling with her. When we both sobered from laughing it was quiet. Her perfume invaded my nose as she fumbled to get comfortable next to me. We both stared up at the moon as the sound of the party thumped below us. I took another drink from the bottle and then passed it to her.

"You know," She drank. "I never thought you and Amber were good for each other."

"I bet you didn't."

She peered over at me from around the bottle. "Not because we were sleeping together."

I cocked a disbelieving eyebrow at her.

"I'm serious." She laughed. "Ya'll were just--ya'll and yall families were just too perfect. It never looked real."

"You going to drink or you going to talk?"

"Both." She grinned before taking another sip.

I took the bottle back.

"Now this other girl. I like her. She's not as bougie as Amber."

I slowly blinked at her. "Is that right?"

"Don't know how you swung that though."

I drank.

"You can tell she's a good girl that just got caught in your web." I could feel her gaze melting into the side of my face. "Zeke the spider."

I looked over at her.

She reached over and gently touched my chin. "All of us get caught in someone's web."

I looked back up at the night sky. "Raquel you didn't get caught."

"You're right." She shrugged. "I flew right in."

I drank again and passed the bottle to her. My eyes hadn't left the night sky.

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