Chapter 4

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  • Dedicated to Dana and Taj (Fab Teen Mothers)

I overslept.

And since Jada was my ride, she was more than pissed that I had made her and myself miss home room.

"If Miss. Watson gives me a detention I'm making you serve it with me." she nudged me as she turned down the radio just as a commerical blared throught the speakers.

"If Miss. Watson gives you a detention for being late it won't be my fault. You're never on time for homeroom."

Jada smirked. "Look, I can't help that I'm not a morning person."

"How many tardies do you have now?" I crossed my arms and fixed her with a gaze.

She waved me away, laughing. "Nuh-uh, mind your business!"

I shook my head, turning to gaze out the window. "Right. So don't blame your tardiness on me. One more won't change your life."

She reached up to fix her mirror. "Well today it is your fault. You never oversleep."

I nodded sullenly. "Yeah, apparently being tired all the time is apart of being pregnant."

An awkward silence settled over us at my words.

"Have you told Zeke yet?" Jada asked, her voice loud in the quiet of the car.

I shook my head. "And I'm not going to tell him."

Jada rolled her eyes as she maneuvered her car into a parking space. "Wait, I'm confused," she cut the engine and turned towards me with her eyebrow arched. "You don't feel like he deserves to know you're pregnant with his child?"

I held up two fingers and flicked the first one. "Okay, let's get this straight, first of all it's a fetus and that's hardly a child." I ticked off my second finger. "And secondly, I didn't say he doesn't deserve to know, I just said I wasn't telling him."

She threw her hands up in exasperation. "Girl, you sound really delusional right now."

"If I was delusional I would be ignoring this whole situation." I hiked my bag on my shoulder and pulled my beanie down over my ears. "But that isn't the case. I'm taking care of it."

Opening the car door, I braced myself against the cold winter air. I reached up to tighten my scarf around my neck. I didn't think that telling Zeke would benefit the situation. I couldn't face him--hell, I could barely face myself-after knowing that I'd been with him in that way. We weren't, and still aren't, together yet we'd made a conscious decision to sleep with each other.

Jada closed her car door and pressed the lock button on her key chain. "Maybe this is for the best. You've always wanted to go to Spelman and you can't do that with a baby." We both began moving towards the school's entrance. "I just know Amber is going to have something to say if she ever finds out."

I tucked my gloved hands into the deep parts of my coat pocket. "And if you were her, wouldn't you be pissed? She's his girlfriend." I reasoned.

I sucked in my lip at the thought. Not only had I barely known Zeke and slept with him, but I'd also gone and done it while he was clearly taken.

Amberleigh Finley was Zeke's girlfriend and had been for quite some time now. None of the girls at Hamilton dared mess with Zeke because Amber wasn't one to be fucked with. Captain of the Hamilton Hawks Step Squad and President of Student Council, Amber wasn't some ditzy girl who was dating one of the most attractive guys at school. She was a smart girl who set goals for herslf and I'd seen her brutally yet gracefully cut down many people to achieve them. So messing with her man was definitely not an option.

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