Chapter 29

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*cue mini freakout session*

Other than that enjoy this chapter!

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I must've stood staring at the bruises for too long because Mr. Redd cleared his throat. "My wife and I have asked her over and over again what happened and all she keeps sobbing out is your name. The only reason I haven't gone straight to the police is because she hasn't been clear about what's happened and I'm a fair man." He stepped towards me. "But what you need to know is that if you laid one hand on my daughter we will be pressing charges, you can believe that."

Cesi stepped forward. "I have known this kid since he was this tall," she turned her palm toward the floor. "He doesn't have a violent bone in his body."

"Oh really? Well he just spent the night in a jail cell two weeks ago for fighting." Mrs. Redd countered. "Seems to me like he has plenty of violent bones."

I shook my head. "I fought because I was threatened. I don't fight just to fight. I was defending Symone that day and I'd do it again."

I stood my ground against Mr. Morgan's glare and kept direct eye contact with him. I had nothing to be afraid or ashamed about. I hadn't touched Symone. "Sir, I would never physically hurt a woman, let alone Symone." I looked over to Symone whose eyes were filled with unshed tears. I wanted to address her but I couldn't afford to make her parents think that I was emotionally blackmailing her to keep her quiet so I looked back at her father. "She's pregnant. I would never do anything to endanger the baby. I don't know who did this to her, but it wasn't me."

In normal circumstances, Mr. Redd holding my gaze would be off putting but I knew he was feeling me out to see if I was telling the truth.

"It wasn't Zeke." Symone's voice was meek but it broke the stare down between Mr. Redd and I.

"Then who was it?" Her mother's eyes softened when she looked away from me to Symone.

Symone looked at her mother and her lips quivered as she tried to speak. All that came out of her was the unshed tears sitting on her eyelids. "I....It's not that big of a deal--"

"Do you see your arms?" Her mother shook her head. "Who did this to you? Was it someone at school? Are you being bullied? Lord, tell us something Symone."

Symone shook her head. "I just...I need a minute."

"Symone--" her father reached out to her.

"Daddy don't, just give me a minute. Please?" she pleaded. "Where's the bathroom?"

Cesi stepped forward. "I'll show you."

The two of them left the room leaving me alone with Mr and Mrs. Redd. Luckily they both had calmed down after Symone cleared my name. I showed them to the living room and offered them a seat which they took. We sat there in the quiet for a moment before Mr. Redd cleared his throat.

"I don't play about my daughters." he breathed.

I shook my head. "No, I understand, I'm not upset."

"I just don't understand why she won't tell us who hurt her." he continued.

Mrs. Redd shook her head. "Maybe one of those girls did it? That Cummings girl or....or your girlfriend?"

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