Chapter 34

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Merry CHRISTmas you guys.

I stayed up THREE DAYS STRAIGHT (including Christmas Eve) until 3:00AM trying to write and edit this.

Don't say I never gave ya'll nothing. LOL.

Merry CHRISTmas! Thank God for his Son Jesus. Amen.

Symone's POV

Time: 9:00 PM.

"You got any service yet?"

For what felt like the one hundredth time Zeke shook his head. "Nope, still nothing."

I forced the urge to groan back down.

It was now going on ten o/clock at night and Zeke and I were officially trapped at my grandfather's cabin. Zeke had been outside a total of five times to check out why his car wouldn't start to no avail. Without service, we couldn't call a mechanic or our parents to come rescue us. We were stuck.

"I shouldn't have left school in the first place." I shook my head. "What a stupid idea."

Zeke glanced over at me from his seat on the couch. "It was my idea."

"Yeah, hence the word stupid." I rolled my eyes. "I mean I've been dealing with gossip for months now, I could've taken it for one more day."

"Just chill out. Our phones won't be out of service forever."

"You don't know that."

"Yes, I do." Zeke jutted his thump at one of the windows. "It's snowing pretty hard out there right now. Obviously the weather has a lot to do with the fact that we don't have reception."

"My family has been coming out here for years and we've never had a reception problem." I reasoned.

Zeke didn't respond.

"Okay," I rose from the couch and paced the wooden floor. "We can't just sit here. Let's think, there's got to be a way to get home. What if we—neighbors! There's got to be somebody here this time of year."

Zeke looked at me pointedly. "You want to go walk out in that weather?"

I crossed my arms. "It's better than your idea about sitting here until the storm stops. I mean we've already ignored our parents for hours. They'll be calling the police next."

"Was I the only one looking out the window when we were driving here? There's like six football fields in between the next cabin out here. Even if we make it to one without freezing to death if there's no one there, what are we gonna do?"

"Walk to the next one."

"You're pregnant Symone. Do you really think it's a good idea for you to be walking that long in this weather? No forget that, do you for one second think that I'm about to let you walk out there in this weather, pregnant or not?" He shook his head. "Who's to say the next house has service?"

"Since you're the genius that got us into this mess, what do you suggest?"

"First off, you suggested we come out here." Zeke sat forward with irritation. "Second, I suggest that you sit down and stop going off on me."

"I'm not going off."

"Uh yeah you are."

"No I'm not. I'm trying to figure a way out of here."

"Spoiler alert, there is no way out. I've seen way too many horror movies about the high school kids in the forest who get sliced up by some psychotic killer, we're not going out there."

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