Chapter 19

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Hey crew! As most of you know my computer is out for the count so I will have to update newly written chapters from my phone which I'm doing now. This is the last chapter with Zeke's POV before we get back to Symone's POV.
As usual it's late as I'm posting this so sorry for the grammatical errors. ENJOY!
Please COMMENT! I love to hear what you guys think!

I could only hold my guarded expression for a full minute before my face gave way to disgust. Amber's presence used to be so comforting but now all I wanted to do was leave her standing here as I peeled out of the parking lot. I wanted to make her look as stupid as she was making me look. Instead I opened the door to my back seat and shoved my duffle in, careful not to look her in the face. Shortly after that I climbed in the driver's seat and prepared to shut the door only to have it stop short in my attempt to slam it. I looked up to see Amber's small frame lodged in the door. I sighed, still refusing to acknowledge her. I positioned myself until I was fully in the car and started the engine.

Amber's eyes widened. "So what, you're just going to run me over?"

I sat back in the driver's seat letting out an exhausted breath. "Move out of the way."

Amber shook her head causing her straight strands to blow in the chilly night. "I'm not going anywhere until we talk. You owe me that."

I nearly rolled my eyes at her fierce expression. "Oh so I owe you now?"

Amber crossed her arms coolly. "You cheated on me and I don't know if I'll ever be over that anytime soon but that doesn't change the fact that I still love and care for you deeply. And we need to talk about what you think you know."

"Where was all this passion for our relationship when you were telling your busted ass friend Sage all my business?" I retorted.

Amber rolled her eyes. "Would you just hear me out?"

I shook my head. "I can't even look at you let alone listen to you speak. There's nothing you can tell me that will make me forgive you for this. Now move Amber."

"I can't believe you'd even think I'd do something as scandalous as this! I'm not even messy like that." Amber retaliated.

"Then how did Sage get our text messages? How'd she know about Symone? You're the only person aside from my parents that I trusted with that information." I pointed out.

Amber raised a poised eyebrow as if I just said the stupidest thing she's ever heard. "First off you didn't 'trust' me with any information. The only reason you told me anything was because you got caught. Secondly, I'm not friends with Sage. She may be on student council with me and you may see us talking from time to time but she is not my friend. Think about it, have you ever even seen us seriously hanging out?"

I shrugged. "I don't keep up with your friends especially not the catty ones like her."

Amber shook here head. "Well I'm letting you know we aren't friends. Which is why I checked her as soon as she leaked that article about you."

As she stood before me my blood was beginning to boil while she effortlessly stood there and lied to my face. I thought back to how certain I was when I told Symone off about my dedication to my relationship with Amber. But if Amber had anything to do with the articles I'd have to come to terms with the fact that I didn't know her as well as I thought I did. I decided to cut to the chase. "If Sage isn't your friend and you had nothing to do with this how the hell did she get our text messages?"

Amber stared at me for a moment as if she was seeing me for the first time. "I really can't believe you're pinning this all on me. I mean it's me Zeke. We've been together for a long time and to be honest the only person that's been dishonest in this relationship is you." Amber's expression was caught between the enormous amount of sadness sitting in her eyes and the hurt and angry frown on her face. "I've been thinking....she wasn't the only one was she? You've been having sex with other females haven't you?"

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