Chapter 38

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My bad.

It's been too long.

I'm back from London though.

Uploading chapter 39 tonight.

I've read your comments and took into consideration that Raising Isaiah has some plot holes--they're not a huge deal but it's enough to make me want to rewrite this whole thing when I'm finished and upload it again.

But regardless of the plot holes I hope you're all still enjoying the story. I'm open to criticism so please don't hesitate to write a comment--BE NICE.

Sometimes I'm just writing and I don't catch my own story errors.

All best to you all.

And remember that although I love you, Jesus loves you more.

"Here you are. Is there anything else I can get for you?"

Amber gave the waitress a courteous smile. "I'm fine, thank you. I'm waiting for someone."

There truly wasn't anything that the waitress could give her that would satisfy the reason she had driven across town that afternoon. Only who she had agreed to meet with could grant her the desire she had coveted ever since it was taken from her a few months ago. She had used all she knew to get her way but had failed and now there was only one person she could turn to.

She had taken a faint sip of her water when the sound of heels against the marble floor of the restaurant gained her attention. She forced herself not to flinch when Mrs. Morgan leaned down to press her cheek against her own. She even managed to push the fake kissy sound between her lips and spread a small smile across her face once Mrs. Morgan pulled back.

Immediately the waitress rushed over to greet Mrs. Morgan and take her drink order. Amber took that moment to glance around the expensive restaurant. She'd only been here once for her father's birthday dinner and she distinctly remember the food going for one hundred dollars a plate. She wasn't worried about paying for her portion of the meal, her parents gave her a rather large allowance. No, she was more focused on the fact that Mrs. Morgan had found the time to meet with her in public despite the fact that she was responsible for her brother's current situation.

She had some nerve.

But Amber had something for her—just as soon as she got what she needed from her first. 

Mrs. Morgan set her purse on the seat beside her then turned to Amber with a concerned expression. "How have you been?"

Amber's smile never left her lips despite her distasteful thoughts. "I'm as good as I can be considering the circumstances."

Mrs. Morgan expression was forlorn. "I understand. I just finished talking with your mom on the way here and she was hysterical. I can't imagine the pain she's going through."

I just bet you can't. Amber thought scornfully.

Mrs. Morgan picked up the leather woven menu and began to look over it. "I'm glad we can have a little girl's lunch, you know, take your mind off of things."

"Me too." Amber nodded. "It's hard because my parents are so wrapped up with everything with Jeremy it's like I don't even exist. Nobody's asked me how I've felt this entire time."

Mrs. Morgan glanced up from her menu and regarded Amber with a concerned gaze. "Well you can talk to me. How do you feel?"

Amber managed to stir up some false emotion in her eyes. "I feel like this is so out of pocket for Jeremy. He never would've done something like this."

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