Chapter 5

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  • Dedicated to Dana and Taj the Fabulous Mothers

Even with the overpowering smell of public toilets, the fresh smell of Zeke wafted through my nose. The soapy smell that stained his skin smelled so good, I was tempted to steal his shirt right off of him and sleep with it for days.

I opted for sliding past him and washing my hands at the sink. Briefly, I fixed my beanie and rewrapped my scarf around my neck before pulling out my gloves. Slipping them on, I turned to him, my expression nonchalant, as if I just remembered he was there. "So how'd the game go?"

Clearly thrown off, his eyebrows drew in for a moment before he shook his head. "What's wrong with you? Are you sick?"

"No," I lied. "That nasty lunch upset my stomach."

Zeke opened his mouth to speak, but paused. "Hamilton's food is never nasty."

Picking up my bag from the floor, I shook my head. "Listen, Jada's waiting on me-"

In seconds, he blocked my exit, his eyes held mine. "I've been hitting you up all week and you haven't been answering your phone."

I averted my eyes and squeezed the strap on my bag. "I've been busy."

He smirked, but judging by the way he was staring at me, I could tell there wasn't a damn thing funny. "Why are you avoiding me?"

My eyes were trained on one of the stalls. Someone had drawn, in deep black marker, Zeke Morgan with a flourishing heart surrounding it against the white door. Not far from there another person had drawn a similar picture except this one placed emphasis on how "sexy" Zeke was.

I focused on those illustrations as I answered, "We've got to stop this."

He stood there, not saying anything, as what felt like an eternity passed before he finally stepped closer to me and spoke. "Is that what you really want?"

"Yes," I answered with as much conviction as I could muster. "Isn't it what you want?"

"Why? Because we had sex?" He questioned.

I crossed my arms, my voice tightened. "That's exactly why."

"People have sex Symone."

I shook my head. "Married people Zeke! People who actually have a relationship!"

He smirked, this one was humorous. "That didn't matter to you before."

"Would you just stop!" I hissed louder, glaring at him. "Sooner or later this is going to blow up in both of our faces."

His arm shot out and landed on the stall door, indefinitely blocking my escape. "Nobody's trippin' but you."

"And what about Amber?" I gestured towards the bathroom door as if she was standing right there. "Somehow I don't think she'd be cool with the fact that you're cheating on her."

"So now you care about Amber and her feelings?" Zeke stepped toward me, still smirking.

I gazed at Zeke, peering into his gorgeous eyes, admiring the perfect way his lips curved and silently relishing the way his presence could make me feel all warm without even touching me. Contempt settled into my bones as I realized that his looks were what did it for me, because the person standing in front of me didn't care about anybody but himself.

"You should care." I spat. "You're the one that's lying-"

"Do me a favor and get off your pedestal Symone." Zeke bit out. "You have been having as much fun as I've been-"

"That's funny," My voice shook with anger as I heatedly glowered at him."Because I wouldn't call being pregnant fun."

A small portion of the tension that I'd been enduring, fell from my shoulders and air that I hadn't realized I'd been holding sunk from my chest as I sighed in relief. Zeke on the other hand looked as if he'd seen a ghost. His eyes were wide and his mouth was slightly parted from when I'd first cut him off.

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