Chapter 37

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Here's more drama. (NOT edited!)

You guys want a happy ending but--I don't know... 🤷🏾‍♀️

You'll have to wait and see!

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I appreciate you all.

Symone's POV

My heart was heavy with indecision.

Amber had popped up at my job a week ago and it still clouded my mind well into the night and over the next few days. Although she and I were far from cool I agreed with her on the fact that Mrs. Morgan had to be outed. But without evidence we only had accusations and as slick as Mrs. Morgan was accusations would never hold up against her.

The emails were needed.

But going behind Zeke's back would mean risking our relationship before it even began. I loved him—but could my love for him stand against justice?

Knowing there was evidence that could take Mrs. Morgan out and not doing my best to get it would mean I was guilty of exactly what I had accused Zeke of in the student lounge. He wouldn't risk his mother's reputation and now I didn't want to risk the possible future of our relationship.

We both were wrong.

All of these thoughts crowded my mind as I walked the hallways of Hamilton to and from class. It wasn't until I had reached the computer lab did I snap out of my thoughtful trance.

I twisted the knob only to discover it was locked.

I knocked for a consistent three minutes only to be ignored. The lights were on and there were obviously people inside but the door would not budge. Finally, my eyes landed on a note which was typed in bold font and taped on the outside of the door.

Confused, I ripped the note off the door and peered at it closely. "Are they serious right now?"

To: Symone

See Principal Meyers.

"Hello, guys it's me." I knocked on the door again with no answer.

There weren't that many people on Hamilton's newspaper, who did they think was banging and why the note? Feeling as if I was being left out of the loop I decided to follow the notes instruction and marched down to Meyer's office.

"Symone, I've been expecting you. Sit."

I placed the note on her desk and took a seat. "What's up with this?"

"Well, there seems to be a little bit of a rift between you and the students on the Hawkin."

"A rift?"

Folding her fist under chin she nodded. "Yes, which is why you were sent here to me."

"Hold up," I shook my head. "Nobody informed me about a rift. Am I missing something here?"

"Well, Brea, your editor has informed me that your work on the Hawkin has left a lot to be desired. You haven't turned in any articles recently and she is concerned that maybe—considering your recent situation with Mr. Finley and your pregnancy—the paper may be a bit much for you to handle right now."

"I admit I haven't turned in anything recently but I've been editing everything Brea asks me to edit. I've done my part. I don't understand—Brea doesn't need to go through you to tell me that I need to work harder. She's never not put her foot down about deadlines before."

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