Chapter 33

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And here's another one.

I love you guys but remember Jesus loves you more.

*Help me out with the grammar errors*


"Where are we going?"

Zeke had just stormed out of Principal Meyer's office and had pulled me down the empty halls with him. My heart was still racing at the fact that as of two minutes ago he basically told Principal Meyers to mind her own damn business.

"You're gonna go get your coat and meet me at the back entrance in five minutes."

I nearly tripped over my feet. "What? Why?"

"We're leaving."

"But we still have three periods left."


"What if we get caught?"

He smirked down at me. "You know for all that mouth you have you sound really scary right now."

"I'm serious. There's already so much going on we shouldn't just leave—"

He stopped and turned towards me. "Listen, Jeremy getting arrested means that everyone in the school is about to be hyped off gossip. On top of that I'm sure our parents are on their way and they'll be like four Principal Meyers wrapped into one once they find out how we feel about each other. I don't know about you but I don't want to be here when everything goes down."

I twisted my mouth to the side, unsure.

"Come on Symone." Zeke coaxed, "Trust me, I got this. Just come with me."

I sighed and surrendered, "Fine but we can't go to my house or yours, they'll just follow us there."

"Who said anything about going home?" He turned from me and started down the hall. "Get your coat and meet me at the back entrance in five minutes, okay?"

I stood there and watched him until he disappeared around the corner before I headed in the opposite direction for my locker.


"Would you say something already?"

I glanced over at Zeke. "What?"

"You've been quiet ever since we left school."

"I'm just thinking."

"More like overthinking," He chuckled. "This your first time skipping?"

I smacked my lips. "No, I've skipped plenty of times."

"Oh really? When and why?"

I could tell by the way he cocked his head that I had failed to convince him. "I don't have to prove nothing to you."

He cracked up at that. "That's cuz you're lying."

I shot him the side eye. "Bye Zeke."

"Don't get mad at me cuz' you're a bad liar. You've never skipped before in your life." He nodded knowingly. "I can tell, it's just not your thing."

"And so what?" I crossed my arms.

"And," He shrugged. "School is important to you. That's pretty cool."

His expression was genuine and despite the fact that I tried to stop it I half grinned at him.

After a while I got over the fact that we were skipping school and relaxed in the passenger seat of Zeke's car. He had been right. I didn't want to deal with the gossip at Hamilton or our crazy parents. I'd much rather be here, cruising. It was nice sitting next to Zeke, watching him navigate through the streets while I tried not to doze off from the warm heat blowing from the car's vents. We had driven aimlessly for about an hour before I cocked my head and turned to Zeke. "You don't know where we're going, do you?"

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