Chapter 28

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Again that picture above is ADORABLE!!!! Shout out to Black fathers!!! #WeSupportYou

Thank you for reading so far.

Enjoy the double update! (Don't get too used to it though. Don't want you all getting spoiled)


(Also help me out with the editing.  BE POLITE please!)

Mrs. Morgan didn't do seedy restaurants.

However today she'd made an exception.

With her Michael Kors rose gold sunglasses on she sat in the very back of a steakhouse answering emails on her phone. She had told her affiliate that they'd meet here at six in the evening to avoid any run ins with anyone she knew.

At six-oh-five the young girl strolled into the restaurant barely paying attention to where she was walking as she scrolled on her phone. Mrs. Morgan couldn't help but get annoyed. Here was another young idiot she'd have to keep in check. She was more than glad that she'd told the waiter to only bring water and bread for now. This would be quick.

The young girl glanced around the restaurant obviously trying to find Mrs. Morgan as the dinner rush rolled in. Instead of waving to her, Mrs. Morgan placed her bright red handbag on the table. She had told the girl she'd be carrying it. After a few more moments of looking around the girl spotted her. Mrs. Morgan didn't know what to make of the girl's smile as she came to sit in the booth across from her.

"You must be Zeke's mom." she beamed. "It's nice to finally meet you."

"You can call me Judge Morgan." She answered coldly.

The girl was instantly put off by her iciness and sat back in her chair with a slight look of discomfort on her face.

Mrs. Morgan shrugged carelessly. "I didn't invite you here so that we could have girl talk over dinner. I'm sorry if you thought I was here for pleasantries. Did you find what I asked you for?."

The girl nodded. "Yes, only two people stay after in the west wing of the school everyday after hours. They're both on the newspaper, but it isn't Symone Redd."

Mrs. Morgan's hopes deflated and her voice was irritated when she spoke next. "Well don't leave me in suspense. Who is it?"

The girl smirked. "Brea Golding and Alejandro Fuentes."

Mrs. Morgan waved for her to continue.

"Well, Brea is our school newspaper editor and Alejandro takes the pictures for the paper . Apparently the both of them had been meeting in the computer lab a few times a week to fool around. I'm not one hundred percent sure... but I think they've quit their little hooking up sessions at this point."

Mrs. Morgan scratched her chin. "Do we have any proof that they used to meet?"

The girl nodded, a light shone in her eyes. Mrs. Morgan was a little put off by the excitement that swelled up in the girl's face every time she asked her something. The girl had an unnatural love for secrets.

She pulled out her phone and pressed play on a video. Mrs. Morgan peered at the image of a black girl with braids and a puerto rican boy who both peered out a classroom door before they quickly snuck out of it. It was obvious the two weren't supposed to be in the classroom. It wasn't much but it was enough. All she'd have to do is send the video anonymously to Ms. Meyers and both of them would be in deep trouble. The wheels in Mrs. Morgan's head started to turn.

"So this Brea girl is in charge of deciding what article's get published?" Mrs. Morgan inquired.

The girl nodded. "Mmmhmm. We have a newspaper competition coming up at Hamilton soon too."

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