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Not the time skip, but the love coach is here again.

Rey's POV

"Mommy?" David asked from the back seat.

"Yes David." Grace answered looking back at him.

"Do you want to play love coach?" He asked her.

His creative little game of love coach was quite interesting. I think after being fooled by his trick the first time I assume she would say no, but a small part of me hope she'd say yes. I wanted to see what he could do next.

"No. Plus you have school." She told him turning around.

"There's after school. You're just being mean." He said to her, I looked over to her to see a shocked expression on her face.

"After school is for homework."

"I don't get homework everyday. And there's the week ends. You can play love coach." He protested.

"I can. But I won't neither will you."  She said in a tone that sound like it ended the furthering of the conversation.

David started kicking the back of the seat she was in. That must be annoying.

"David stop kicking the seat." Grace warned him. Yet he continued, and didn't stop until his mother pinched him on both his legs

He was rubbing both his legs crying. I felt sorry for him but he had something coming his way for acting like that. This is a nice way for the first day of school.

When we reached Davids school he was in the backseat with folded arms in vexation. The spots where Grace had pinched were pink. I got out of the car picking him up, but Grace stopped me and said let him walk.

"Good morning David," The lady who was the teacher of the class.

"Good morning Ms. Witherspoon." David said finding a seat.


The ride back from David's school was silent. Grace had a straight look on her face. To ease the silence I tried to find a decent radio station. Grace hummed to the tune that played.

"Don't pick up David my brother will do it." She said coming out of my vehicle.

"Ok." I said then she left and walked over to her hotel building.

I drove off thinking of the little love coach game. I would want to play it again, but I don't want David too get pinched again.

I looked over at the passenger seat and saw a bunch of papers stapled together. It must have fallen out if Grace's handbag. When I parked my car into my driveway, I took up the papers and skimmed over them.

In the Matter of Change of Name

The form was already filled. I do remember mentioning it to her, but I hadn't heard anything about it since. David Blake Matteo Dixion. Nice name, now we are going to share three names together. My middle name was Matteo. Just spelt Mateo.

An hour after reading that form, I got a call from Grace.

"Hey Rey did you see me leave some papers behind in your car by any chance?"

"I don't know I'll have to look."  I made it sound as if I went outside to my car then answer. " Yeah you did."

"Thank goodness. I'll let my brother come pick them up later." She said to me sighing in relief.

"Ok. When are you going to get David's last name changed? You said you would try to get the papers sorted out." I asked for no obvious reason.

"They weren't available when I went there. I'll try again though when I'm free." She said to me.

"Ok then, just let me know." I said then hung up.

Why didn't she tell me she already had the papers. And by the way don't I have to agree to doing this first. It's not like I would disagree.

Grace's POV

The other day I had found myself a lawyer instead of buying me a new phone. I had gotten the form to fill two days afterwards, and filled it out the same day. He did tell me I need to speak to Rey about this, which I had yet to get to.

But when I was look looking for the paper to meet up with my lawyer today, they had fallen out in Rey's car. I hoped he hadn't opened it yet, but who would want to read a set of important looking papers that so happened to fall out in your front seat.

Many long long long hours later I finally got them and a son who was vexed with me from this morning events. I did warn him didn't I.

Malik was busy with matters of his own so was my father, his aunts were somewhere, his uncle was gone to the airport with his father to meet his mother and I assume Rey would go with them but just a little later. So I left David to go play with his friend Tj because he was at work today with his mother because his school didn't start until tomorrow.

So I'm off to my lawyer with the papers I had filled. Would it not be weird to change his name to Lopez if Rey's fake last name is Lewis. What's the point of  the fake name if his so called uncle has given up on coming after him.

"Did you let the father sign the paper?" He asked reaching for the paper.

"He was supposed to sign it?" I asked running my eyes over the paper and saw Rey's signature was already on it. So be did read it. "Yea he did sign it how could I forget."

"I'll speak back to you soon. Hopefully this thing goes through quickly."

The time skip you have all been waiting for 😁

That quickly was two months time. After those two months David name was changed from Dixion to Lopez.

Also after stopping the love coach David came up with a new game. 'Copy what the people do in the movie'. It was a nice slik idea until the movie placed on the TV was Sleeping Beauty. And  he was prepared, he went through my clothes found a pink dress and managed to make a crown out of cardboard. And as for Rey he had also had his wardrobe invaded.

Ok so I was a princess he was a prince and the part we were supposed to follow is the part when she gets the true loves kiss and wakes up. So it was like that for Snow White, Princess and the Frog, Rapunzel, Beauty and the Beast the list goes on.

So David's little games came to success at the end of the third month. I'm going to put a lock on my closet. Whenever someone else was there they were the a part of the play.

David was more than overjoyed when his plan worked. Also I filled a restraining order against the guy who wanted to but my hotel and threatened to write up health violations if I didn't.

"Mommy I found a new one for you to play." David said showing me his aunts phone.

I was sipping hot tea when he showed me that. He was showing two people doing the deed .

"I will not be doing that. And give me this phone. Go play with your toys." I said taking the phone from him and running up the stairs to show whosoever phone this is has my son watching.

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