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The morning after David met the dog, which was Saturday. I was awoken out of my precious sleep because he said he was itchy. I stripped him out of his clothes and then walked him to the bathtub. He had rashes and a few bumps over his back and tummy. They were pretty red, but I didn't see them yesterday.

I wrapped him into a towel and picked him up while I dig through the drawers and cabinets for the hydrocortisone. I rubbed his torso with the cream before getting him dressed into a grey merino and khaki shorts. I put him in a jacket and went to get myself ready. A decent pair of sweats that were green and wrapped my head with a green cloth and turned it into a turban to cover my nappy hair, I feel asleep without a bonnet once again. I slid the shoes I can find.

Grabbing an over the shoulder bag and my car keys. We drove to the hospital that was close by the house. David attempted to scratch his skin multiple times but I bat his hand away. He mainly gets rashes when he touches something he's allergic to. I don't know what that would be because there isn't a trace of pineapples in the house.

After pulling up in the parking lot, I took David out. I looked at my watch that was on upside down. Unfortunately; and realized that is was only 7:46 am. I went to the reception desk.

The thirty something male asked me what was wrong with him. I told him about the rashes, the bumps happen from time to time so I excluded that. I told him what I thought it was an allergy.

After spending almost an hour here which I probably fell asleep for about 15 minutes during the wait. I found out David was allergic to animal hair, specifically fur.

I was going to work today didn't plan on skipping any more days. I went to the bathroom and stripped out of my clothes and step over the shower. The water was cold which made me wake up more. After that I dried and moistened my skin with cocobutter lotion. I pulled out a simple outfit from my closet a red blouse with flutter sleeves, and a white floral pants. I slid on red heels and looked at my self in the mirror.

Then I remembered my head. It was knotty. But thanks to mostorizer I have combed it out within 10 minutes. I wasn't going to leave the ends out today I put in two cornrows with smaller ones to the side. My gel decided to play hide and seek today so my edges were left wild. My foundation was finish so I put back down my makeup pouch and used a little gloss.

I was carrying David with me today. That allergy medicine knocked him out, he's been asleep from after 8 and now it's to 10. I grabbed some stuff for him to use for the day then grabbed my bag and him.

I wish I could sleep like him, I said looking at him through the mirror.

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Wednesday evening

Malcolm and I were going to meet up this evening. It was now 4:30, Alex and I just left the local coffee shop.

"Where are you off to in such a hurry?" He asked looking over at me.

"I got a date," I said nonchalantly hoping he would drop the topic.

"With who?" He asked again he won't stop until he knows who I'm going out with.

"This guy named Malcolm. He's pretty good looking, " I said remember how his muscles stood out the other day.

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