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Rey's POV

At around three in the morning there was a knock at my front door. When I opened it I saw a cab driver. He had three big purple, pink and black suitcases. It looks like my sisters are back. I asked where they were. She told me he dropped them off at a house not too far from here, but a good distance away.

I brought the bags up to their rooms and went back to bed. Or at least tried to. I stayed up for about two hours until I finally fell asleep.

At around ten I had a phone call from Grace. She was asking if I had seen my sisters, because they took her car and needed to go to work and drop Bella off at her father's house. They also had taken David with them.

The twins' location was shared on my phone. I think they changed their numbers so I had no means of contacting them since they were probably offline.

I changed into a black jeans and a green polo t-shirt. I had some sneakers by the door so I put that on and went to my car. I went over to Grace's to pick her up and drop her off at her two locations. Then set off to find my sisters.

They were actually at David's school. Apparently as soon as they got there the tank went on E. So for the past two hours they had been out here.

"Do you have gas on you?" Alexandra asked once she saw me.

"He's been driving the car for three years now and always has an extra when he refills his tank. Go look in his trunk." Alejandra answered for me.

"You guys took David to school and took Grace's car?"

"She was over sleeping and he didn't feel the need to wake her up. He was running late to school so we got him ready and left with the car."

"You still could have asked her and why didn't you tell me you two were coming back?" I asked them looking over at my other sister who began filling the gas tank.

"It was a surprise."

Later that day

I was told to pick up my son and daughter and come get their things for them to stay with me for the weekend. Even though when I got there and their things were already packed up, David insisted that I stay for a little while longer. After three hours of sitting here David emerged from his room with a neatly decorated board in his hands. He then called Grace over to sit across from me. He asked Grace to pick between four possible answers, with a skeptical look she answered no. Then asked me the same questions. I was unsure of what to answer but I maybe would want to know what's on the chart.

"Mommy you say yes to anything daddy asks you. Ok?" He told her, showing her what she agreed to covering the rest of the answers.

"Ok." She answered him.

He came over and whispered what I chose in my ear. He then revealed all the other answers. I was then given a ring that was attached under what was written. I also got a chance to read the other things on it.

It looks like Cupid retired and left him in charge. But he did make a good choice when choosing a replacement. So without a second I did as he said taking the ring from his hands. Grace was still oblivious to what we were doing since he made sure to hide our exchange.

Grace was instructed to close her eyes. When she was told to open back her eyes I was on one knee with a ring I assume belonged to my sisters in my hands.

"Will you marry me?" I asked

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