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I'll never trust another man again. Ma and Dad will be seeing me each and everyday til I die. The only males I trust from now Alex, Malik and dad. Maybe Blake he's still an ish for me.

The next morning I woke up I was wearing the same clothes from that night. I had a splitting headache for most of the day. It's been five days and I haven't left the house. It's not like I haven't been to work. I work online.

I did tell mom what happened she dragged me straight to church the following Sunday. Malik and I did go to church with her on and of.

Now that I think about it I haven't spoken to Blake since that unfortunate incident. I was almost raped, I shared at the thought. As I opened my laptop David came skipping into the living room.

He ran past me, I would've sworn he went to my room. Wrong. That little boy came and let out a big ol' box noise in my ear. The laptop nearly fell off my belly, to the way I jumped.

I turned to see him laughing and rolling on the ground. "Child go play with you daddy and leave me alone." I said turning back to my work.

The laughter stopped and 0.2 seconds after I realized what the hell I just said.

"Momma?" David said to me. I mentally cursed myself.

"David," I said picking him up letting him sit on my lap. "Before you asked any questions let me just make a little promise with you okay?" I said to him after placing my forehead on his.

"Pinky Promise?" He asked twirling his pinky in the air. I nodded and latched my finger to his.

"By the end of January which is this month. I promise to make daddy a part of your life. It won't be Mommy and David anymore by then-"

"Mommy, David and Daddy?" He asked raising a brow.

"Yea it will be hopefully." I said whispering the ending. I placed a kiss on his nose and we walked over to the kitchen to get him something to eat.

After David finished eating and finished up my work. He was knocked out on the carpet. I let my gaze slip to him then to the ceiling. Finding David's dad was a breeze. It didn't even talk that long. Just had to use a little help. But now I digged myself another hole. January ends in basically 19 days. How am I going to keep this promise.

A my stare became blurry then I felt a watery substance make its way down my face. How can I keep a promise to him when the man refuses to even take a DNA test. Needles aren't the only way. I mean there is the the saliva one.

I know I can't do this on my own. So for once I'm going to accept help. Completely forgetting my child was on the hard carpeted floor, I managed to get the help of the twins, and Alex, I'll ask the wise one later when she comes home.

When I remembered David being on the floor it was a few minutes later after he made movements. I picked him up and placed him in the couch with me, his hand out of habit made it's way to my breast. He didn't even drink breast milk when he was a baby, why is he so found of my little oranges. Well that's a lie they are bigger than oranges.

I scrolled through the cable to land on this paternity something. It was in a court room or something like that. This woman baby daddy died so they used his sister. Then an idea popped up in my empty head. I could use one of the sisters. I felt so accomplished, and my rat squeek caused David to be looking up at me with sleepy eyes. I patted his back and rocked him back to sleep.

Sorry for this hella short chapter at this hella late hour but. I needed to update. Vote and comment. But most importantly stay safe 🤗

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