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When everyone was asleep I was still up. It was way past midnight and here I am staring into the ceiling instead of sleeping. After my talk with my parents yesterday, I saw my father go outside and came back in with something in one of those duffle bags.

Since I was up, I had nothing to do. Me being me. I got curious of what was in that bag. When my parents went into their room I heard a few clangs. It's obvious they were setting up what ever was in the bag from earlier.

I reached the handle of their bedroom door and turned it slowly. Praying that the door wouldn't squeak. For some reason they had curtains and wouldn't close it at night. The light of the moon illuminated off the metal like can that was at the head of the bed where my mother's side.

My eyes followed where a tube led. There was a tube that was placed in my mother's mouth. There was this flashing light on or near the tank, I think that's what probably turns it on. I kept looking at her for awhile before leaving and gently closing the door behind me.

The thought that this could probably kill her, made it affect me 10 times worse. I still couldn't sleep. Even after an hour after closing the door. I sighed and sat up in my bed and plugged the charger out. I had this book app I downloaded and started reading the book named Confused. The book had just reached the climax of the plot and my eyes we're dropping. And the sleep I desperately wanted wasn't going to stop me from reading this drama. The last thing I felt before going into my sleeping state was my phone falling on forward onto my face.

Rey's POV

I watched Grace leave the gym holding David's hand. I was planning on doing something nice for the both of them, then try and talk about changing his last name. But then she told me about her mother, made me change my idea and put that off.

When I asked her why she wanted me to keep David for so long. I didn't mind of course but there had to be a reason for it. She looked like she was battling with her self for a second before blurring out her mother had cancer.

Her mother seemed like a healthy woman from when I saw her. That's probably why she needed to leave early yesterday morning. She didn't give me an exact date of when she will be leaving though. I feel sorry for her to because it's not easy to learn that your parent is that type of sick.

I was distracted by my thoughts, but was brought out of it when I heard my friend Conner say something.

"I see the caucasian sex ain't doing you too good." He said hitting me in the back of my head. "And when did you get a kid?"

"I haven't been doing anything since the woman came here with my kid." I told him truthfully.

"That still doesn't answer the question. When did you get a bloody son."

"Well I went this party a few years back did my first noncaucasian sex. Then last year this kid was gonna run into a golf cart and I picked him up before he reached. Then she was the hotel owner and gave me a discount. She some how envisioned me as someone from three years back. You already know the story with Tisha and Swayer. Then she got my sisters to play along with her and punched the living hell out of my jaw. Did the DNA with what ever was in that cup. Shipped it to me in Italy. Had my father call me stupid because of it, then he shipped me back here. And so now we're co parenting." I told him everything according to how it happened." He was one of the many people I trusted and good to know he knew nothing about my uncle.

"Wow that's messed up." He said getting up from where he was seated. "So you and the girl a thing now or something?"

"No, we only co parent. ...for now at least." I said smiling to myself.

Spending like 30 more minutes here, we went our seperate ways. He got on his motorcycle, then immediately went on a call. When I walked past him I heard him mention my uncle's name.

It was probably someone with the same name until I heard him speaking a few more Italian words. Great now I got my uncle on the lookout for my kid. At least he doesn't know him by name or his address.

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