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Rey's POV

Around three hours ago Grace came over here to drop off David. Which was about in the 8'o clock. She was supposed to leave a few minutes ago but some insect had stopped her.

"Rey kill the dam spider!" She yelled to for what I think was the eighth time.

I don't know where this spider came from, but I see it didn't want her to leave. The thing was slightly bigger than a bottle cap. I wasn't ready to end the spiders life yet. It was running around the island, so Grace didn't dear step down.

"I will murder your arse if you don't do it now." She told me with a serious look on her face. Laughter was forcing its way out my body.

How could she possibly murder me when she's scared of the spider. David could be seen walking past the kitchen and she called to him in.

He walked in with a confused look on his face. The spider ran right under where his slippers stopped. The spider was now dead.

"David move your foot and throw that on Daddy." David placed his bottle aside somewhere on the ground a picked up the insect.

"Do it?" He asked her again to make sure.
His aim was no where near straight. The big went behind him. It would have landed on his mother, if it wasn't for the fact she fell backwards of the island onto the floor.

"I strongly dislike you." I heard her say in a broad tone.

When she said that Alejandra walked into the kitchen, with a skeptical look on her face. "Why are you on the ground?"

"Ask your brother that," She said glaring at me after Alejandra helped her up.

"There was a spider." David told her then climbed on the counter and picked the insect up. "And momma said to trow it on him. But it drop over here." He said trying to explain the situation.

"You people got no respect for the things dead body." Alexandra said taking it away from her nephew. Unlike her sister she acted like a male when some things happen.

"My butt hurts." Grace said in a low tone which I would assume she was saying to her self.

"Bye Alejandra, Alexandra and David." She said kissing David on his forehead.

"Am I not human?" I called to her as she left the kitchen. I didn't hear any reply from her only the front door being closed.

Grace's POV.

I feel butt first onto the floor. All my bones are feeling sore. Then he has some audacity to ask if he's human too. He's some type of alien. My throat was dry from yelling at Rey to kill the bug. This huge spider came running around the kitchen. Before he just steped on the thing and threw it out, he let it run around the kitchen like it's a playroom.

Before going to the drivers side of my car, I went to the trunk and took out the cushion to sit on. My parents flew over to the states a few days ago. Like a week before they originally scheduled their flight.

They disclosed from Malik and I whatever happened when they went to the hospital. They called us whenever they got the chance. Sometimes when we called they ignored the call. I don't blame them it must be annoying, to have your children call you every second of the day.

My flight left later in the afternoon around 3 pm. To be honest I don't have the best experience on plane rides. The last time I went on one was when I was 12.

I drove over to Malik's house. One becauseI forgot to leave a key with Rey and Two because he was dropping me off. When we left college our original plan was to live with  each other, or at least in the same scheme. But then Rey came a long and changed our plans.

Malik drove me to the airport. After getting checked out, he embraced me in a bone crushing hug. "Tell me if anything happens promise." He said pulling away.

"I promise, and promise to tell me any and everything that happens to David." I said back to him.

"I can't exactly promise that," He said backing away from me.

"Malik Cornelius Dixion." I said to him using his middle name which he very much disliked.

"Grace Cornelia Dixion, haven't I told you I don't like that name." He said crossing his arms.

"Yes you have, but you said you won't tell me what happens to David. It was called for."

"I said I won't tell you everything."

"Gate 22." The speakers said out loud in the airport.

"If you do as much as hurt him I will hurt you ten times worse." I said threating him.

"Says the girl whose afraid of bugs and lizards." He said under his breath.

"Not funny. I'll call you when I land. Oh and I forgot to give Rey a key to the house if he needs anything, so here's the extra key." I said giving the key to him, and giving him a side hug. The left to the flight gates.

Broading the plane my stomach already started to argue. I'll get airsick, after an hour in the sky, but I brushed the thought aside and sat in my seat and waited for the 2 hour or something flight

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