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(◞‸◟ㆀ)ˢᵒʳʳʸ for the late update. тнє fonts I used to write in some of them are gone cause I deleted my other keyboard. Hope you enjoy this chapter tho.

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• Tonio Lopez •


As soon as I shut my eyes, my alarm rang. I'd gotten less than four hours of sleep. Since it was still January which would be the season of winter in the Western part of the world, it's means it's still summer over the eastern part.

Getting out of bed I went into the bathroom to start getting ready. I brushed my teeth. Feeling the toothpaste sting the left side of my gums, from what the twins did yesterday. I quickly made my way over the shower and bathe. After I got out I wrapped my towel around my waist and walked into my room to get my clothes on.

After getting dressed I sprayed on my Cologne

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After getting dressed I sprayed on my Cologne. I wanted something to eat, so I went into the kitchen and took out eggs and bacon from the fridge. I took of my white shirt just in case oil decided to splash up. By 5:15 I finished eating, and put back on my shirt, going to my bathroom I washed out my mouth with mouth wash.

The girls would wake up hours after I left, because they didn't have school or go to work. Walking in to Alexandra's room I placed a kiss on her forehead head and did the same to Alejandra. Even though she's annoying to the state that words can't describe, she's still my sister at the end of the day.

Grabbing my bag I quickly rushed out of the house because, the airport was 30 minutes away and I was behind on 3 minutes. I parked my car in the a lot and took my bag out of the passenger side.

My dad's a well known business man in Italy, but I'm taking a regular plane instead of his jet. Why? Because when ever he told me to come over, I'd perpusly be late. Like an hour late.

After checking my passport and ticket I made my way to the plane gate, right as they were doing the last call for my flight.

This flight was going to be 11 hours, and 17 minutes long. The length of the flight alone would make you think twice before you plan on traveling. 30 minutes in on the flight in the midst of me trying to catch up on lost hours sleep, the woman next to me baby started crying. I gave it about 5 minutes, and this kid was still crying. I saw her checking her diaper, giving her a pacifier. Which the baby threw onto the man in the other row.

I gave up my ear drums were tired of this child screaming. Signalling to the mother so that I was willing to help her and the kid. She hesitantly gave the baby to me. Instantly she stopped crying, sniffing her nose she stared at me with her big Hazel orbs with great interest. Her eyelids started to bat, the kid was fighting her sleep just to look at me. When the child's eyes closed the mother took her back. And the noise started again, how exciting.

The mother began scolding Valencia which was the child's name. I took back Valencia and immediately she stopped the noise. I placed her head on my chest and patted her back for her to go sleep. We both feel asleep.

I was awoken by the feeling of hot liquid on my chest. Looking down I saw the child's fresh puke on my shirt. "No!" I said picking up the child and giving her back to her mother. I had carried along a jacket asides from my luggage.

Taking the whipes that the mother offered me, I whipped the puke of my arm, and took of my shirt. The child's eye curiously looked at the marking on the side of my torso. I put on the sweater and waited for the few hours that was left  for the flight to finish.

I was greeted by my brother at the airport. He was younger than me, and for sure the wildest out of the four children which my father has. Last year because of his madness he lost his left leg and now uses a prostectic leg.

Father didn't let him leave the country with Alejandra, Alexandra and I, because he was afraid of what he would do unsupervised. Arriving to my childhood house, it brought back certain memories I wish I could erase.

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